I'll Take Both

- RAYA -

"Wh-what?" I ask on a shocked breath, clutching the cup in my hands. 

His eyes grow softer rather than narrowed or cutting or anything else that might mean he is accusing me of something. And then he drops them again to the paper on the floor and sets his coffee to the side to pick up the shreds while I stare at the air he was just occupying, scrambling internally to catch up with how Dex has any idea about either of those things. 

Am I that transparent? Is this all just very obvious to everyone and I'm the only one believing there are secrets that I possess?

"These are some really good ideas for Moxie," he calls up to me from the floor and then stands with the scraps in his hands. "Are you sure you wish to throw them away?" 

I blink up at him and realize there are tears in my eyes only then, but they don't fall. They just stay hovering on the brim and making my sight swim with Dex Mobius in it.