Hero Sex

- RAYA - 

Liz pulls up in the driveway, and I do a little internal squeal and shake the nervous jitters out of my hands when I hear her knock. It feels odd to be answering Dex's door. 

"Hi, Liz," I smile, opening the door wide to welcome her in. 

"Good morning. Raya, right?" 

"That's right. It's so nice to meet you." 

We shake hands and, oh my word, Liz is beautiful. She has an infectious smile, gorgeous dark brown waves that fall down past her shoulders, and an amazing full figured body. 

"It's great to meet you, too. Dex has a lot of wonderful things to say about you," she smiles. "I was surprised he contacted me about Verdure, because I haven't been shopping for advertisers."

"Well the products definitely caught his eye, and I'm so glad they did," I tell her, leading her to the kitchen and dining area so I can pick up the laptop. "Would you like to sit outside?"

"Sure, it's a beautiful day," she agrees.