What Paradise Tastes Like

- RAYA -

"Costa Rica," I repeat in awe, staring at the lush green tropical surroundings and thinking how much better in person this is than anything I could have ever imagined. "Wow. This is just… incredible. Definitely a good choice." 

Dex grins and pulls my hand behind his back so that I'm forced against his side. He kisses my head and growls affectionately. 

"There are so many fun things to do here. You will love it. Kayaking, hiking, swimming in the ocean, horseback riding on the beach," he murmurs against my hair. "The resort looks really beautiful, but there are so many things we can do on our own as well. Whatever you want to do angel, we'll do it." 

Rory watches us with a soft smile while Luciano looks around distractedly. Our bags are being transferred into a van that's taking us to the resort. 

"You don't look surprised at all," I say to Rory. "Dex told you, didn't he?"