Minimize the Painful Things

- RORY -

When Luci leaves the room, it gives me a sinking, uncomfortable feeling. Like my one source of safety and security has left. 

I know that's not true. But I have to swallow past the thickness in my throat that makes me want to think it's true, and a slow wave of trembles starts crawling across my skin in his absence.

"Are you all right, Rory?" Burt asks, those wrinkles around his kind eyes creasing as he trains the light blue irises on me. 

I wonder if he actually still practices medicine. He seems quite old, but that's probably not a polite question to ask—even if I am having some kind of a physical or emotional breakdown.

"Yes, I'm alright," I say, offering the polite answer to his question instead of the messy one. 

Polite is appropriate. But it's given with a trembling voice, so it's probably not very convincing. I clear my throat to try shaking free of it.