Hello again!

The white wolf, the field boss that commanded the attention of all present, stood as a majestic creature of unparalleled grandeur. Its pristine white fur contrasted sharply against the surrounding wilderness, radiating an aura of dominance.

Towering above its counterparts, the white wolf was three times the size of a typical dire wolf, its imposing figure instilling both awe and trepidation in the hearts of those who beheld it.

With each powerful stride, the white wolf's muscular frame flexed beneath its sleek coat, a testament to its formidable strength. Its keen eyes, a piercing shade of icy blue, darted across the battlefield with a predatory focus. Razor-sharp fangs protruded from its snarling maw, poised to rend flesh and bone with unparalleled ferocity.

Though its level was a mere 10, the white wolf's attributes transcended those of ordinary dire wolves. Its defenses were formidable, capable of withstanding a barrage of attacks, while its offensive capabilities surpassed that of its counterparts.

Kaden watched as the dozen members of the Dark Gods guild skillfully arranged themselves around the beast without getting intimidated by its feral raw killing intent. They immediately started pelting it with attacks. Surprisingly, a couple of them had even picked up a skill or two.

Their tank had the taunt skill, which got the attention of the beast, and their healer also had the basic healing skill. This meant that both of them had also reached level 10 since the skills and skill trees in 'Apocalypse Online' essentially opened up at Level 10.

"Impressive!" Kaden smirked, but this was not really surprising as the guild was one of the better guilds of the kingdom in his last life. However, he did not act just yet. He adjusted his position and waited for the fight to unfold, which was in full swing.

Soon the white wolf's health dropped to 50%, and it howled, calling for its pack, its signature move. Immediately five dire wolves rushed out to the spot from the surrounding trees and bushes.

This kicked the entire fight into high gear as the group of players became even more busy. Some of them focussed on these add-ons and tried to get rid of them quickly. However, this was easier said than done.

In 'Apocalypse Online,' a player's mana stat really only opened when they hit Level 10.

In the beginning, no one knew why this was the case, but later on, it was revealed from the NPCs that the first ten levels were mainly to train the body so that it could start accepting mana.

Only after this one was able to execute mana-related skills.

And one can obtain these mana-related skills or skills in general by choosing a class.

While this could be done even at the newbie village, the NPCs recommend the players travel to the city first before accepting a class. Most players tended to do this, as this opened up a lot of new paths.

Many also hoped to unlock special classes by waiting to choose a class and going to a city first after finishing the newbie zone. Of course, there were some who thought that the newbie village had a hidden class and tried their luck there.

Because of this, the current group only had the tank and the healer with actual skills. The other players were mainly using their common-grade weapons to do damage. Still, the progress of the fight wasn't too bad.

While the white wolf was clearly superior to the players with respect to both stats and skill, the beast was outnumbered. The fighting abilities of the guild members were also not too shabby.

Soon they took care of the little pack that had arrived to support the boss, and the whole team once again focussed on the white wolf.

This mechanic repeated twice, and when the beast's health dropped to 30% and 10%, it once again called for backup. The second time six dire wolves arrived for support, and the third time a total of twelve arrived!

The dozen members of the guild were not fazed by this challenge and daringly stood up against the field boss. Just like they had the guts to claim this area as their spot, they also had the ability to finish the task and take the kill.

The wolf's health was also steadily dropping from 10% to 8% to 6% and finally to the last 4%. The fight was almost over, and everyone had big tired smiles on their faces, clutching their shabby weapons in excitement.

However, out of nowhere, a faint whooshing sound pierced the air, followed by a resounding bang. Startled, a few party members whipped their heads around to investigate the source. To their bewilderment, the area appeared vacant, devoid of any visible threat.

But when their eyes shifted downward, horror washed over their faces as they beheld their comrade sprawled lifeless on the ground, his face sizzling like a fried egg.

Confusion morphed into unease. While casualties were not uncommon in a field boss fight, this death seemed peculiar. The corpse bore the marks of scorching like it had been subjected to a flamethrower.

"What the..." someone began, but before they could finish their sentence, the same ominous sound echoed through the air, followed by another loud bang. And just like that, another player crumpled to the ground, life snuffed out in an instant.

"Motherfucker! We're under attack!"

"Everyone, stay alert! There's an intruder! We're under attack!"

Shouts of warning rang out, but alas, it was too late. With the white wolf bearing down on them from the front, and deadly projectiles raining from the rear, chaos engulfed the battlefield. To make matters worse, another assailant joined the fray.

"Hello again!"

With swift agility, Kaden darted between players, methodically taking them down one by one. He first silenced the healer, then set his sights on those in close proximity, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake.

It hadn't even been a full day since the game's launch, and players were only just beginning to acclimate to its immersive nature and lifelike combat. The realization that they had to move physically and fight was still sinking in for most.

But for Kaden, this was an old hat. He had already experienced it all in his previous life. While his fighting skills weren't exceptional compared to the greenhorns before him, he might as well have been a seasoned master.

Not to mention the abyss imp wreaking havoc amidst the chaos.

How could the members of the Dark Gods guild stand a chance? The battle was over before it even began, and in the blink of an eye, every last member of the party lay lifeless on the ground.

Naturally, Kaden didn't stop there.

With the tank lying cold and motionless, he gleefully attracted the attention of the field boss and dealt a few final blows before vanquishing the beast as well.




Heh heh heh. Kaden grinned in satisfaction. "Now that's what I call a job well done."

Just as he turned to check on his imp, a voice sliced through the air. "You've got quite a twisted personality, don't you?"