Yes or no?

Kaden's face fell as he was suddenly facing another unexpected scenario. The cake was right there but he couldn't eat it? What the hell was happening?

"Let me calm down and think. Just a small wrench in the grand scheme of things." He cleared his throat and properly analyzed the situation he was in.

He once again started from the top. He closed his eyes and tried to remain calm and focus his mind.

Bingo. Once again he could see the multicolored magic around him and he was drowning in all sorts of elemental specs. So far so good.

He then proceeded to the next step and willed mentally for the specs to come to him, pulling them with his command.

And voila! Once again, the numerous specs rushed toward him in a mad frenzy, competing with one another.

Then why the heck did the skill not work?

Just as Kaden was about to raise his hand again and try casting the fire ball skill, he suddenly realized something.