Where is the gold?

"Are you sure this is the place? It looks like there is nothing here."

"This is the exact location the boss gave us."

Kaden's heart skipped a beat as he heard the echoing footsteps growing nearer. His gaze shifted from the ring to the entrance of the chamber. If he did not move quickly, he would be found out in less than 10 seconds.

And judging from their conversation, Kaden decided to avoid confrontation at least for now. He first had to find out who these people were and how the hell they were here of all places!

He hurriedly ducked behind a pillar that was close to the entrance and tossed a gold coin to the other side of the room. The loss of a single gold coin made him frown a bit but it was essential.

Kaden then waited in the shadows as he listened intently to the ongoing conversation. He wanted to glean more details but the group seemed to be quite tight-lipped.