Will you be with me, big brother?

After arriving at the city, Kaden first dragged the little girl straight to the academy.

"Big brother, what is that?"

"Big brother, that smells tasty!"

"Big brother, can I eat that?"

"Big brother, that building is sooooo bigggg!"

Kaden could only feel his patience being tested with every question that popped out of the little girl's mouth. He had to constantly remind himself that she was just a child and this was all new to her.

Maybe in another life, he could have roamed the city streets with his goddess by his side but now… alas…

He rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming.

The questions didn't stop even as they finally arrived at the grand gates of the academy. It was a large, imposing structure, with ivy crawling up the sides of the brick walls. It was teeming with students, some younger, some older, all hurrying to and fro.

"Big brother, what is this place?" Thalia asked, her wide emerald eyes taking in the bustling scene with curiosity and a hint of fear.