
The forest surrounding the neighboring city was known as the Whispering Woods, named for the haunting sound of the wind as it rustled through the dense foliage.

This was an area Kaden had ventured into many times before, but he still felt a chill run down his spine every time he entered. 

Players often shared ghost stories of phantom figures and eerie sounds that didn't belong to any known game mechanics. Kaden, however, had never encountered any such oddities.

He moved with the stealth and grace of an experienced player, weaving through the tall trees and avoiding patches of brambles. 

His minions, on the other hand, were running haphazardly, busy with their work, grinding mobs that crossed their path and also those that did not.

This time Kaden had equipped them. Back in the event before implementing his plan, he tried to see if these summons could hold items, and to his surprise, they indeed could.