You are not as worthless as I thought you were

'What a glorious waste of time!' Hearing the nagging flame spirit bitch sing praises of him for the nth time, Kaden let out a sigh of exasperation. Unlike his mother, he can't even escape this nagging. It was in his brain all the time.

"Shut the fuck up." Kaden retorted back under his breath, climbing the steps of the teleportation hall. He then coughed up the amount to return to the Redleaf city in Zephyria Kingdom.

He covered himself up, exited the city gates, and continued walking until he was well outside of the city, buried in the lush forests. He then quietly undid his disguise.

"Fuck. Smiling all the time like a lunatic hurts like hell! This good guy business is more difficult than I thought it would be."

'That's because you are a moron.' The fire spirit added.

Kaden rolled his eyes and summoned his minions. Since he was playing around all day, he had barely leveled. Now it was time to get down and dirty.