Trust is a fickle thing

The knight charged right at him, but Kaden simply side-stepped, dodging his attack like it was nothing, making him hit the air, and leaving behind a very humiliating image.

"What happened? Why are you attacking me?" He then casually asked. At the same time, he also tossed something at Evelyn who stood with her arms crossed and her gaze cold.

Evelyn caught the object reflexively, eyes narrowing as she looked down. Instantly, she was shocked. Not just her but everyone else was shocked as well.

"Why are you all looking like that?" Kaden laughed. 

"This mana core should have been their main target. Five of their men came at me and I managed to get all five of them. Out of the five one dropped this mana core. I am assuming he was the one who killed you?"

Everyone still continued to look speechlessly at him. Apart from the main raid team, several other players had also gathered around but there was only pin-drop silence at the moment.