Skill Advancement

[Obsidian Oath]

Kaden let out a sigh and mentally commanded the skill to activate. He wondered what oddity would pop out this time. 

Even though it was tiresome to level up these creatures, every single one of them was extremely ferocious blood-thirsty. They were born fighters and hunters and couldn't be compared to a similar level random beast of the forest.

"As long as it is nothing too weird…" Kaden thought. He then quickly corrected himself. "No, the weirder the better."

As he excitedly waited for the skill to activate like a gacha addict, suddenly something unexpected happened.

Kaden felt something pulse in his mind. No, it was not in his mind but somewhere deep inside his body. It was a familiar yet unfamiliar sensation.

Kaden's face changed as he immediately settled down and focused on this. What was happening? Inside his body, shining in a pitch-black aura was a strange symbol.

He instantly understood. Was this a skill rune?