Chapter 8: Drunkenness

Shen Ziyu said: It's boring to sit and eat while so many of us are having dinner. Let's play a game. If you lose, please drink three glasses of wine. Idiom Solitaire, clockwise, three seconds per person. The game sponsor drinks three glasses first to show fairness. After saying that, he didn't wait for others to respond. He stood up and took the bottle and poured himself three glasses of wine.

Shen Ziyu was originally handsome and bright. After drinking, his face turned red, just like white jade dyeing rosy clouds, which made him more elegant. Before he could speak the idiom, people were moved by his charm and applauded warmly. Chen Guiyan, the boss, even cheered repeatedly. Shen Ziyu calmly opened his mouth and said, "sky north with land south".

Qu Hong, the boss's cousin on his left, had studied in a new education high school, and had no trouble to answer: the north geese return to the south. Many of the old employees have studied in private schools for several years, and the language game of Idiom Solitaire can not defeat them, so they easily won one by one.

It was Li Changsheng's turn, but he put down his chopsticks with a smile, with confidence that he would win. In the expectation of everyone, they saw him take the bottle and drink three cups of wine by himself. Then, to everyone's surprise, he said to Li Chenglin, the cashier beside him, "It's your turn."

Everyone was absolutely defeated by him. They are all migrant workers from all over the country. They are modest on the surface and proud of their talents. Besides, there are boss and several female colleagues on the table. How can you easily admit defeat on such an occasion? Even if you can't get it, you still need a few words to explain: I'm not in a good state today, and you have answered all the simple things first.Li Changsheng was very frank. He admitted defeat directly and immediately picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

Everyone played three rounds of lively games like this. As long as it was Li Changsheng's turn, he would stand up and drink three glasses of wine, put down his glass and continue to eat. Shen Ziyu changed two drinking games again. Li Changsheng didn't get involved in either throwing dice or guessing puzzles. He just ate and drank.

Li Changsheng is not unsociable. Although he studied at Peking University, he is just a farmer's boy. He thinks that eating is just for satisfying his stomach. He grew up and nobody told him that dinner was a social occasion. Besides, the dishes with perfect color, fragrance and taste are far more attractive than the topics and games.

A red copper incense burner is on a mahogany tea table, pouring out the pleasant fragrance of sandalwood. Behind a color carved screen is a white oak carved bed. Although it is only a room, the room layout is simple and elegant. Outside the balcony is the invincible sea view, and downstairs is the beach and greenway. The price of one room in this Shiziyang Seaside Western style villa is a wealth that most Chinese people can't match in their life.

Shen Ziyu looked at Li Changsheng's unconscious appearance on the bed and sighed softly: "After all, you are the son of a farmer. You are gluttonous and drunk and have never seen the world before. When colleagues have dinner, you eat and drink and get drunk, which is a shame. It shows that you can hardly have a bright future."

Li Changsheng answered vaguely in his sleep: People are usually egoistic, and there is no need to do useless social intercourse. Lao zi said, "Get rid of people's unrealistic ambitions and let people have enough to eat.Weakening the temptation of fame and wealth to people and strengthening people's physique. Only in this way can we have a happy society." Besides, I have gained the way of longevity. Why should I care about the opinion of people whose life span is as short as ants?

Shen Ziyu could not help being stunned. He thought Li Changsheng was from a rural family, and he was not good at social expression and had no ambition. He did not expect Li Changsheng's words after he was drunk to be simple and clear. He is obviously an independent young man with distinctive ideas. Li Changsheng's heart is wild and unruly, and he doesn't care about the eyes of the world at all.

Shen Ziyu thought that there were many heroic and free spirited and knowledgeable eccentrics in history. It seems that Li Changsheng is one of them. However, he is not an erudite Confucian, but a Taoist with deep thinking far beyond his age.

Li Changsheng naturally woke up at 5:30 the next morning after drinking a lot of wine the day before. He has formed the habit of practicing Taoist Kung Fu. Now it is the best time to gather the golden energy of the sky.

Li Changsheng opened his eyes and found that he was sleeping on the bed with blue mosquito net, and the smell of sandalwood in the air, which had the effect of sleeping, had not dissipated. Li Changsheng's head turned. He drank a lot of wine yesterday, and his head was in a daze. It seemed that Shen Ziyu, a new employee, took the initiative to send him home. This is obviously not your own rental house. Where is this?

Li Changsheng sat up and felt for his shoes under the bed in the dark. At this time, someone turned on the lamp on the desk with a snap. Shen Ziyu sat on the desk chair with bleary eyes, one hand still on the lamp switch.

"Are you awake? There is cold water on the tea table."

"What is this place, Shen?"

Shen Ziyu stood up and took a deep breath, stretched himself to wake up, and then smiled: "This is the house of one of my relatives in Guangzhou. I have no place to live in Guangzhou just now, so I can borrow a relative's house for the time being. This room is for me now." After a pause, he rubbed his face with his hands and said, "You were drunk yesterday, and Boss Chen asked me to take you back to your rental house. You couldn't tell me where you lived at that time, so I had to take you to my place for one night."

Li Changsheng immediately linked his memory together. He not only ate and drank too much, but also bothered Shen ziyu. In the end, everyone didn't go to the cruise to visit the Pearl River at night.

Li Changsheng smiled awkwardly: "Xiao Shen, I'm really sorry. But since the boss asked you to follow me as a foreign trade merchandiser, I will teach you all the work processes and skills. But to be frank, your family does not seem to lack money. You are a top student of Tsinghua University. Why do you want to work hard in Guangzhou far away from your hometown?"

Shen Ziyu smiled and said: "We are about the same age. I call you Changsheng. You call me Ziyu.ok?My family is fairly prosperous in Beijing. Although my family business is good at present, for one thing, I have an elder brother and a second uncle, and it is not my turn to manage that business. For another, I am a foreign language learner, and my family business cannot use foreign languages. Third, there is No flower can bloom for a hundred days.Every day is not a full moon.My business is OK now, and I don't know what will happen in the future. So I came to the south for a few years to see if I could find new sources of income for my family's business. "

Li Changsheng gave a thumbs up: "You are so awesome! I admire you! You young people from the capital are different. you are good at analyzing and thinking, and very independent. I'm sorry to bother you about being drunk yesterday. Why don't we go out for a meal today and I treat you for breakfast?"

Shen Ziyu came to Guangzhou this time to get close to Li Changsheng. Since he wants to make friends with Li Changsheng, he will not refuse this opportunity. So they cleaned up and saw that it was already light. Li Changsheng led Shen Ziyu from the seaside Lotus Mountain Park to the Sea God Temple. All along the way, there are western style villas. There are only high-end western restaurants and Cantonese tea restaurants nearby. Li Changsheng secretly complains that he knows how much money he has in his wallet, and his own food standard. Breakfast is a cup of soybean milk and two steamed stuffed buns. Lunch is eaten in the company and dinner is always a bowl of rice noodles or noodles. Breakfast and dinner are only four copper coins in total.

Since it was a treat, he was ready to raise the breakfast fee for two people to ten copper coins. This is just a high-end community where foreigners or dignitaries live. The ordinary breakfast nearby is far beyond the plan. Li Changsheng had no choice but to smile bitterly and walked down the road.