Chapter 11: In the Forest

Li Changsheng and Shen Ziyu walked side by side, talking and laughing all the way, as if they didn't find the following big men tracking them.

When they turned a corner, they found that there were no tourists coming from the opposite side, and the dense trees also blocked the sight of several people behind. Li Changsheng suddenly pulled Shen Ziyu over the left guardrail, and then quickly walked a few steps to lie down in the undeveloped forest.

Li Changsheng said to Shen Ziyu in a low voice, "You should hide here. Don't make any noise. I'll make noise in the forest on the right of the fence to distract them. After they have gone with me, go in the opposite direction. As long as you get out of the park gate, you will be safe, because there are patrolmen patrolling the street."

The two people lie in the forest in the undeveloped area of the park. The trees are towering, and low shrubs and weeds grow between tall trees, which are dense and opaque. In the dark, Shen Ziyu looked at Li Changsheng with bright eyes, which were as quiet as a deep pool. Shen Ziyu thought to himself: This guy looks very ordinary, but he is naturally warm-hearted to help others. And he is brave and resourceful. If I take him back to Beijing and let him work with my Uncle for a few years, his future is limitless.

Shen Ziyu was about to say something when Li Changsheng ran out and jumped into the right side of the ridge ridge path. As soon as he went in, he shouted, "Oh, my God, there are hornets!" Then Shen Ziyu heard the sound of trees, and Li Changsheng's footsteps were getting farther and farther away. As expected, soon five or six people'footsteps also be heard, and they followed Li Changsheng into the right guardrail and chased him down.

Shen Ziyu felt his left shoulder. Li Changsheng had just put his hand there. It seemed that there was still a ray of residual temperature lingering around. This farmer's son is brave and responsible in the face of gangsters, although he is bold and reckless. This is the second time that he has covered up risks for himself today. Shen Ziyu sighed and stood up. His face was still calm. He stepped over the guardrail, as if walking in his backyard to enjoy the flowers, and walked towards the direction of Li Changsheng's departure.

Li Changsheng drills back and forth in the woods, protecting his head and face with his hands, trying to avoid the thorny shrubs, and runs down the hillside. The trees in front of him became thinner as he ran down. At last, an open space appeared. Li Changsheng was relieved. That's great! So you can run faster. Then he looked up and took a breath of surprise. He had to stop and look around. There were people around him. He was already surrounded in the center.

It seems that these gangsters are not only tracking down five or six people, but also people surrounded here. Li Changsheng probably saw no fewer than ten people around him. The blade of the knife in the hands of several people right in front flickered in the sunlight. Li Changsheng's palms are full of sweat. He doesn't know whether he can escape with his current state.

Li Changsheng swore that if he could leave safely this time, he would not fight with anyone and live a modest and low-key life according to the teachings of the Taoist Ancestor. Then calm down to practice Taoist Kung Fu and quickly complete the foundation building stage. He also saw that the people who came here this time were not the local ruffians and rascals like those in the snack bar. Because many people have the temperament of professional killers.

The bald fat man he saw in the snack bar this morning came from behind . The bruise on his left eye rim was mixed with red potion and sweat, which made him even more ferocious.

"Boy, I will let you know what will happen to those who hit me today!"

The sunglasses man stopped the furious bald man and said to Li Changsheng with a gentle face, "I think you are just a migrant worker. We are all fighting for ourselves in Guangzhou. I don't want to hurt you. Where is your partner? We are looking for him. Tell me where he is. We will release you."

"So it's him you're looking for! I was wondering just now that what happened in the snack bar in the morning was not worth so many of you coming to me." Li Changsheng was immediately happy. As he spoke, he sat on the ground. He took off his right shoe, knocked the stones out, and put them on again. He looked at the sunglasses man and just wanted to tell him where Shen Ziyu was hiding. But his expression hesitated. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped.

Seeing Li Changsheng's performance, the sunglasses man felt proud. He always thinks he is very clever. As the leader of the mafia, he usually knows a truth deeply: in this world, mental workers dominate manual workers. Now he deliberately gives Li Changsheng a chance. When he tells him where Shen Ziyu is, he will kill him immediately. When he saw that Li Changsheng was indeed shaken, he was more contemptuous of Li Changsheng. It seems that no one in the world can face the threat of death without fear. He can't do it himself.

The sunglasses man induced Li Changsheng and say, "Don't think about it. Tell me where your partner is. Then you can leave." Li Changsheng was embarrassed and asked, "If I tell you where he is, is this behavior immoral?"

The sunglasses man smiled and took off his sunglasses and said, "You are just an ordinary person, not a hero. There are a group of birds in the tree. When the hunter shot, the birds flew away in all directions. No bird will stay to look after the one who was shot. The birds behave normally."

Li Changsheng seemed to be thinking about what he said. He thought for a while, but several times he wanted to say something but took it back. It took a long time, hesitated, and finally sighed: "He should be at the gate of the park at the foot of the mountain now! Ha ha, idiot, no wonder you can only do shameless things in the underworld all day long. I guess none of you can go to college, can you? If you have gone to college, how can you not see such a simple plan to divert the tiger from the mountain? Ha ha ha! A group of fools!"

Li Changsheng's laughter startled several birds and flew past the top of the tree. The sunglasses man's face turned black instantly, and Li Changsheng's words stabbed him in the ribs. He did not go to college. In the period of the Republic of China, it was more difficult for those who could enter universities than for those who were officials in the Qing Dynasty. He has a good family, but he is not interested in studying. He fought in the society when he was young, but just because of this, he realized that fists are more efficient than words and make money faster.

"The scenery here is pretty good, and you deserve to die here! Kill him!" The sunglasses man ordered coldly.

"Wait a moment, everyone!" A voice came calmly: "Mr. Changsheng is really a hero, who is not afraid of danger. As the saying goes, heroes have nothing to do with birth. I believe that today."

It was Shen Ziyu who emerged from the dense shadows in the woods behind.

The sunlight was streaming down from the leaves, splashing on his moon white suit. When the mountain wind blows, Shen Ziyu's silky black hair flutters in the wind like a person from the picture. Shen Ziyu calmly walked out and came to Li Changsheng like nobody else.

Li Changsheng was immediately disappointed and didn't know what to say. It was the first time in his life that such a fool took the initiative to die. As an old saying goes: It's hard to be a man without poverty, and you are naive without being hit. This kind of dandy is not reliable after all! This is not the time to scold him. He glared at Shen Ziyu. Shen Ziyu winked innocently in return, made a face and smiled.