Chapter 18: Resignation

"That's good!" Yin Lingzhi smiled and said, "In two months, you will go to the Louguantai in the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province and find a Taoist named Donglai, who will arrange you to come to Wenshi Temple."

On Monday afternoon, Li Changsheng called Shen Ziyu to the company's reception room. The breeze in the reception room was gentle, and the green leaves outside the window swayed with the wind. Li Changsheng asked cautiously: Isn't it good to be a girl? How did you change back to the boy costume?

Shen Ziyu wore a white suit and a red beret. The sun shines on her face through the leaves outside the window, looking energetic and reserved. She looked at Li Changsheng, but her face was expressionless and speechless for a long time. Only when Li Changsheng felt a little embarrassed did she open her mouth and said, "Now in China, girls work outside alone, and there are many things that are inconvenient. So it is best to dress up as men. Please keep it secret for me, Mr. Changsheng."

Li Changsheng carefully looked at Shen Ziyu's face and said cautiously, "I'm going to see Boss Chen and submit my resignation. I've thought about it. I want to concentrate on studying Taoist Kung Fu. I plan to complete the work handover this month."

Shen Ziyu was unexpectedly calm: "You always speak and do things straightforwardly. I saw you secretly call me out, and I already knew your decision. Since practice is your real idea, I will not dissuade you. Changsheng, I have always wanted to ask you, we have been together for so long, are we friends?"

Li Changsheng sighed with relief and said, "You are my first friend in Guangzhou and my only friend at present."

Shen Ziyu's eyes were red and said, "That's good. As a friend, I can visit you at any time in Zhongnan Mountain. Do you hate me?"

"I hate you? Why do you say that? Confucius said: Ziyu came to visit me from a distant place. It was a very happy thing for me. I will clean the yard and room in advance to welcome you."

"What? You want to resign?" The boss, Chen Guiyan, was shocked and rubbed his hands together at a loss. "This is troublesome! Have you ever told Shen Ziyu about resigning?"

Li Changsheng stood up and bowed deeply, then said, "I am grateful for the boss's care for a long time, and I am also ashamed because I have not done anything for the company. Please rest assured that I will hand over my work with Ziyu."

"I'm not concerned about the handover of work," Chen Guiyan's small eyes dodged Li Changsheng's eyes behind the lens, The voice is trembling: "Changsheng, the current situation is that it is very difficult to find a good job with a good salary and can learn something from work, so don't give up easily! You should be considerate of me. I also won this opportunity from my father for you. Do you think the salary is low? I know it is my fault, and I must apologize to you! The company should take the initiative to raise the salary of outstanding employees. Your current salary is five silver coins, How about ten silver coins now? "

Li Changsheng was surprised and said hurriedly, "Boss, thank you for your kindness. It's not appropriate to take so much salary as a foreign trade merchandiser. But the reason I want to resign has nothing to do with salary."

"Don't worry, boss!" Shen Ziyu opened the door and said, "I will cooperate with Changsheng to hand over the work well, which will not affect the daily work of the company."

Seeing Shen Ziyu's calm face, Chen Guiyan sighed with relief and said, "Well, Li Changsheng. I can only wish you all the best in the future."

Chen Guiyan knows that he is a senior worker and Shen Ziyu is the boss. Since Shen Ziyu agreed to Li Changsheng's resignation, it had nothing to do with him. When Shen Ziyu's family bought his company at a high price, Chen Guiyan wondered how the political and commercial family of the Chinese giant could be interested in his small company? Later, he found that Shen Ziyu was not interested in other major customers and core businesses of the company except for the work of foreign trade merchandisers. The Shen family just arranged an accountant to take charge of the financial affairs.

Chen Guiyan immediately understood that Shen Ziyu liked Li Changsheng. It is said that young people in the rich family have quirks. Chen Guiyan remembered the poem of Fellow townsman Huang Chao:

When autumn comes, beautiful chrysanthemums bloom in cold weather, and other flowers wither. The poet means that he only likes chrysanthemums.Chen Guiyan couldn't help tightening her anus.

Because Chinese poets like to use peonies for female vulva and chrysanthemums for anus.