Chapter 21: Xuzhou Couple

Du Qing was furious, and his face was livid. He picked up the dagger on the ground and went straight at them. Li Changsheng hurriedly said, "Brother Du, wait a minute. We need to ask clearly first."

Du Qing held back his anger. He untied his belt to tie the couple and kicked them to the ground, Then he asked, "What do you two sons of bitches do? I have always been vindictive. Just because we have no grievances and no grudges, you just wanted to kill me, and you will die tonight. If you tell me the truth, I will kill you with a knife. Otherwise, I will cut you into many pieces and let you suffer enough pain before killing you!"

The woman lay on the ground struggling and said aloud, "You damned human traffickers! I swear you will die and be hanged! Even if I die in your hands today, it's better to live in hell every day! If you want to kill or cut, please do it!"

The man groaned, "You kidnapped my only daughter and broke my family. We no longer want to live. Do you say there is no hatred between us? The hatred between me and you is greater than the mountain!"

Li Changsheng said, "We came from Guangzhou and just arrived here this evening. Your lives are in our hands at the moment. We don't need to cheat you. We need to know why you want to kill us?"

The man said, "Are you not the human traffickers here? It seems that there is a misunderstanding between us. You took out a small bag in my arms, and there are materials in it, which can prove what I said!"

Du Qing looked at the man in disbelief, then took out a cloth bag from the man's arms and squeezed it with his hands. He felt there was no danger, so he opened the bag. There is a red notebook with newspaper clipping inside. Li Changsheng lit a branch with a match for lighting. According to the newspaper, the couple was a couple in a county town in Xuzhou. The man's name was Yin Shicang. Their only daughter went to university in Nanjing. On her way home from vacation, when she arrived at the county seat, she took a rickshaw and then disappeared.

There is a newspaper clipping with a notice for finding people. There are pictures of the three members of Yin Shicang's family, and there are also pictures of the rickshaw driver, the suspect.

Li Changsheng said, "It seems that there is a misunderstanding." He bent down to untie the two people on the ground. The woman ran to help her injured husband. The couple looked more than 50 years old in the light of the branches of the fire. Their hair was gray and their faces were covered with wind and frost. Yan Shicang's shoulder blades were broken, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, and his face was particularly haggard.

"Why do you think the trafficker who abducted your daughter is here? If so, why don't you call the police?" Li Changsheng still wondered.

The woman said indignantly, "Since my daughter disappeared, we don't know whether she is dead or alive. For half a year, we have been crying every day and living in hell. We have been wandering around the county seat of our hometown every day to ask for information. We have a relative in the county seat who is the neighbor of the rickshaw driver. Last month, my relative told me that he heard the parents of the criminal rickshaw driver say that his son is in a salt mine town in Hengyang, Hunan."

The woman continued, "We two took clothes and food and stayed near the abandoned town of Hengyang for many days. We hid here during the day and went out to look for him at night. Finally, we found this damn rickshaw puller. So we came here tonight. Even if we died here, we should catch the traffickers who abducted my daughter and retrieve my child!"

Li Changsheng looked at the couple and felt that their appearance and age were similar to those of his parents. He was full of sympathy. He thought in his heart: "Although the conflict just now was a misunderstanding, and they tried to kill me with a knife first, I was forced to defend myself. But I hurt this man after all. Their physical condition at this time, even if they found a trafficker, was also in vain. They could not get the help of the patrol room in this strange place.

After Li Changsheng asked them about the appearance of the trafficker carefully, he said to Du Qingdao, "Brother Du, what do you think of this matter?"

Du Qing said disdainfully, "This kind of thing happens everywhere and every day. The government of the Republic of China can't do anything about it. What can we do? When I was your age, I was also good at fighting against injustice, but there are too many injustices in the world. What's more, some things are also karma. We don't need to have new problems crop up unexpectedly."