Chapter 25: Underground Cave

With a flash of cold light, Du Qing cut off another layer of foot sole with a sword. Mr.Third's voice is hoarse, and his voice doesn't look like human voice. He raped all the women in Du Qing's family in his heart.

Du Qing covered his nose and said, "Just now I cut you because you stink. Now I ask you and you answer. If you cooperate well, I won't cut your soleplate."

Du Qing continued to ask, "How many people are there in the cave? Are there traps? Are there any password codes for entering and leaving?"

In the late autumn night, the temperature was very low and the cold wind was biting, but Mr.Third was sweating. He gasped for half a day before groaning and said, "You asked so many questions, I will answer your questions one by one."

Li Changsheng couldn't stand it anymore. He said, "Brother Du,please continue to interrogate him. I need to find a place to pee." He turned and left. When Li Changsheng came back, Du Qing had a detailed understanding of the situation in the cave. The soleplate of Mr.Third's foot also showed white bone, hanging upside down on the tree without moving.

Du Qing said: "There is nothing to ask. I have sent him to heaven."

Li Changsheng said, "Thank you for your help. Let's go in and save people now."

Du Qing smiled and said, "Are you blaming me for being cruel when you excuse yourself to pee?"

Li Changsheng looked at Du Qing in the eyes and then punched him in the chest. Du Qing stood motionless to bear it, and then the two laughed.

Li Changsheng said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, but you are eager to help. I can't thank you enough. How can I complain to you? We want to deal with the villains, we must be worse than them. If you don't kill Mr.Third and we have to send he and his accomplices to justice. How can we explain the villains we killed just for self-defence? These villains regard this as a base for trafficking in human beings, and it must be the local government officials who serve them as a protective umbrella.As long as Mr.Third is handed over to the local patrol room, he will soon be released to continue trafficking. "

Du Qing said sincerely, "My dear brother, you are good at Kung Fu and are eager to help the vulnerable groups, which is very admirable. But what I admire most is your profound understanding of society and life!"

Li Changsheng said modestly, "Brother Du flattered me. I dare not accept your praise. I haven't graduated for long. What insight and experience can I have? Let's go in and save people!"

The moon is silver, and the night is cool as water. The world was silent, as if nothing had happened.

The two men untied the six big sacks on the back of the five donkeys, and it was indeed five women and a minor girl tied up like dumplings, and their mouths were stuffed with rags. The two men quickly released them from the sack and untied the ropes on their hands and feet. After inquiry, they turned out to be from Hubei. When they heard that they were saved, they immediately collapsed, and six people cried earthshaking. While loosening their ties, the two comforted: "The bad guys have been killed by us, and we will send you home safely."

Duqing said, "Brother, I will guard the entrance outside and take care of these women. There are seven traffickers inside. They have no guns and no traps. Go in alone. After half an hour, whether you succeed or not, you must come out! Otherwise, I will go in and find you."

Li Changsheng said, "OK! That's it. But now someone comes in from the village entrance. You and the six girls go to hide behind the boulder first, and I will deal with the people."

After Du Qing and six girls hid behind the big stone, they soon heard the footsteps of someone walking in the distance, and then saw two figures coming up from the bottom of the mountain along the winding dirt road. Du Qing was shocked: "I have never seen such a sensitive hearing in my life. He can hear everything from a few kilometers away. Who is he?"

Two dark figures came from afar, talking and laughing without scruples all the way. They were obviously familiar with this place.

When the two men passed by, Li Changsheng stood up quietly and followed them five steps away. Li Changsheng doesn't know how to lighten his body, but the energy in his body is huge. He just feels that his body is full of energy. He touched the ground with his heels, crept quietly, and was not slow at all. Walking in and out at a short distance is as erratic as a ghost and follows two people like a shadow.

One of them laughed in a low voice and said, "Yan Yue's bitch can really pretend to be pure! It has been three months since she fell into the hands of Mr.Third and she has been trained by him to be a mean bitch, right?"

Another said, "It's not affectation. She is still a virgin. Mr.Third gave her two choices: either follow Mr.Third to be the fourth wife, or we sell his first night of virginity to a dignitary. After that, all the gangs fuck her several times each, and then send her to the brothel in the city to make money for us. Today is the last day. If she doesn't promise to be the fourth wife for Mr.Third, she will be yours tonight."

"Fuck!If Yin Yue agrees, I will come tonight for nothing?"

The other smiled cautiously and said, "Mr. Feng, you are the chief of police, and we will not let you go in vain. Even if Yan Yue agreed to be the fourth wife of Mr.Third,we still have several fresh and good goods waiting for you! They are also female college students in the provincial capital, all very beautiful, and also virgins."

As they talked, they entered the yard. As soon as a man opened the door, Li Changsheng drew out his short sword and rushed over quickly, passing between them like the wind. When they heard footsteps behind them, they just turned around and felt a chill in their throat. They whirled and flew to the ground. They didn't understand what was going on until thet died.

Li Changsheng silently recited "eight" in his heart. This is the eighth person he killed tonight. He was very surprised at his calmness. Everything seemed to go with the flow of nature. It was like when the flood came, the flood discharge canal was also repaired. Li Changsheng entered the room, moved the water tank, and jumped into the hole.

The entrance of the underground cave was very narrow. He went in and saw a kerosene lamp placed on both sides of the cave wall every ten meters, which made the light and shadow in the cave mottled. The road in the cave is relatively spacious, and two people can walk side by side, but the road has been tilted downward. Li Changsheng counted his steps, and after more than thirty steps, the road no longer tilted. There is a figure at the front corner. It looks like sitting there against the wall of the tunnel. Li Changsheng approached slowly, raised his sworf quietly, and was about to kill him with a blow when he suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart. He didn't know why he felt this way. So he still put away his sword and told himself not to worry. He squatted down quietly and waited in the dark place where the light could not shine.

For a long time, there was a faint sound of two long and three short strokes on the stone. Then a man stood up from the hole at the corner, and Li Changsheng said to himself, "Fortunately, I didn't go there just now!"The figure he saw at first sight was just a stone in human shape. No wonder Li Changsheng could not feel the heartbeat and breath of the human when he felt the figure with his spirit.

The man rapped three times again on the big stone in human form. A voice came from behind the stone: "Lao Liu?" The man said, "Zhang Heizi, come out, it's your turn to be on duty outside."