Chapter 36: Family Banquet

"It's outrageous that your sisters quarrel when you meet each other! You've lost all the faces of the Shen family!" said the middle-aged woman angrily.

"Mom, the second sister bullied me with a man - -----" cried Shen Jiali wrongfully.

"Shut up!" said her mother without mercy. Then she turned to Shen Ziyu kindly and said: "Our Shen family has been in Wuhan for generations. Although you followed grandpa to Beijing, our ancestral house and old roots were still in Wuhan. Your brother saw his uncle's car at the post station the day before yesterday, so he called to ask his uncle in Guangzhou, and then he knew that you had arrived in Wuhan. Your brother and sister immediately went all over the city to find you. Tonight we will prepare a grand family dinner to welcome the most beautiful and talented woman of our Shen family home."

Shen Ziyu said impassively, "Aunt, I still don't want to attend the party tonight. If you want to let Sister Jiali and Brother Jiahao return to Beijing, you can directly communicate with grandpa. It is grandpa decided to let them return from Beijing to hometown in Wuhan the year before last, and they will not be allowed to go to Beijing again."

The third aunt looked a little embarrassed.She come up and hold Shen Ziyu's hand and whisper: "Your brother and sister are young people, and they can be forgiven for making mistakes occasionally. They know that they are wrong now. Your grandpa likes you best, and you need to help us to persuade him. When your brother knows you are in Wuhan, he immediately calls the general patrol room and asks all the patrols in the city to look for you. Your brother still cares about you very much. For the sake of your third uncle, go back to have a meal."

Shen Ziyu sighed and nodded when she thought of her third uncle, the VIP of the second generation of the family and the person who always valued her so much.

In a manor with an area of more than 200 acres on the south bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan, the exquisite colored glass lamps illuminate the reception hall like daylight. There are eight people at the table. The third aunt is sitting in the middle. Shen Ziyu and Li Changsheng are on the left, and her precious children are on the right. Opposite sat a brother of the third aunt and two local officials in Wuhan. Everyone raised their glasses frequently.

Li Changsheng only enjoys the delicious food on the table. Shen Ziyu invited him to a banquet. He thought that since he came, he would have a good meal. This is a family dinner of the Shen family. They say something about the family. Li Changsheng felt that he was an outsider and had better not interfere with their family affairs. The younger brother of the third aunt is Wang Zeyuan, and he did let Li Changsheng pay attention. This guy has a big nose, small eyes, single eyelids, and is not tall. His character is extremely forthright and enthusiastic. But Li Changsheng always felt that there was always a bit of hypocrisy in that kind of generosity. He has neither the nature of Shen Ziyu nor the sincerity of Du Qing.

Shen Jiahao was the only person at the banquet who was more silent than Li Changsheng. He is a standard handsome man. He is tall, with a straight nose, sharp edges and corners on his face, and deep and vivid eyes. Shen Jiahao is romantic, but has little practical talent. He did not enter the political circle, nor did he hold any position in the family business, but only depended on the family members' annual dividends.

However, just the dividend money was enough for him to live a rich and uninhibited life. He often replaces the popular stars and the latest cars around him. It was not until his grandpa drove him back from Beijing the year before last that he became restrained. At this time, he was silent and sullen, but his eyes flashed across Shen Ziyu from time to time, making people feel a vicious hostility. Li Changsheng could not help frowning in his heart: "This idiot is not implicit at all. Everything in his heart is written on his face."

After three rounds of wine, five dishes. Wang Zeyuan stood up and took up his glass of wine, and said with a forthright smile: "The Shen family's patriarch grandpa once said that Ziyu was a rare talent in my family for a hundred years. If Ziyu were a boy, it would be easy to become a general or a minister in the future. So please take more care of your brothers and sisters and drink this glass."

Everyone in the room looked at Shen Ziyu. He used his affection to force you to do something against your will and nobody could refuse. Wang Zeyuan is her elder. He is the brother of the third aunt and the uncle of Shen Jiahao and Shen Jiali.

Although Shen Ziyu was silent, Li Changsheng could feel her dislike of Wang Zeyuan. Li Changsheng didn't care that he was an outsider. He took up his glass and stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Wang! Ziyu is tired from the journey and can't drink any more now. Let me have a drink with you." Wang Zeyuan was stunned and said in his heart who do you think you are! But the smile on his face was even happier: "Well, it's also your filial duty to drink with me. I won't make you embarrassed. Let's drink six cups together first, because six is a very auspicious number."

The third aunt and her children exchanged a surprised look. They didn't expect Li Changsheng and Shen Ziyu to be so close.

Shen Ziyu saw that Li Changsheng was socializing with Wang Zeyuan. She knew that he hated drinking with others at the banquet. So Shen Ziyu felt sweet when he took the initiative to drink for her.

"Uncle, wait a moment." Shen Jiahao stood up tonight and said for the first time: "Changsheng is my sister's boyfriend, and he is coming to my house for the first time. I have something to say to him." Shen Jiahao pushed the chair behind him and went out.