Epilogue II: Dear, big brother!

–About one week after we returned to Axel.

I was about put the plate down to feed Chomusuke, but I was interrupted by Megumin as she entered the room.

"…Kazuma, aren't you feeding it a bit too much? You shouldn't dote on it so much, you know?"

"But this guy hasn't stopped eating—Here here, eat more and grow up quickly~"

Before you become that onee-san, I hope we can get along well.

Also, please forgive Megumin for using explosion magic on you.

"…There's a letter for Kazuma. I don't really know what's it about though."

A letter for me?

"Is it that dragon egg salesman again? Ever since I bought Emperor Zell, he's been sending these letters every day."

The idiot who got tricked lured a lot of scammers to this house.

"If it was sent to Kazuma, then it probably isn't anything good. Let me take a look."

"Here it is… I can't help but feel like I've seen this envelope somewhere…"

Megumin passed the envelope to Darkness…

Darkness opened the envelope and peeked inside. Without a moment's delay, she shoved it in her chest pocket.

"… Hey, what are you trying to do with a letter addressed to me?"

"… It is as Aqua said, it's just a letter from the dragon salesman."

"It's just as I divined! Isn't this great Kazuma? The mails sent to me all address me as 'This letter is addressed to the one destined to a dragon, an adventurer of great fame and might.'"

Ignoring Aqua who was saying stupid things again, I said to Darkness, who tried to avoid my gaze:

"Hey, give me the let—."

"I refuse."

Darkness replied in an instant, and proceeded to roll herself into a ball, as if she was pregnant woman protecting her child.

Seeing her action, I could tell who the sender of the letter was.

Because I've seen Darkness do this before.

"It's Iris, right!? Iris sent me that letter, right!?"

"How did you guess!? No, I mean, this is just a—!"

I mercilessly stretched my hand towards Darkness' chest as she desperately tried to refute my claims.


"Look! As I thought, this is a letter sent to me by Iris!"

Darkness put her hands by her chest and bent down.

Hmpf, don't think that I wouldn't lay a hand on the letter just because you put it by your chest.

After all, I am no longer the wuss that I was. I have been reincarnated as a ruthless man.

As I was thoroughly experiencing the thrill of my victory, I opened the letter.

Undoing the royal seal, I unfolded the letter—

'Dear Onii-sama,

I have heard of your great achievements at the fortress nearby. You always seem to dive headfirst into danger, so I have been a bit worried about your wellbeing…'

Just reading the header of the letter has warmed my heart.

'This time, I have a request for Onii-sama, who has become one of the nation's greatest adventurers.'

Then I read the last sentence.

"Actually, I am going to meet with the prince of a neighboring country with whom I have an arranged marriage with, so I would like to hire onii-sama as my bodyguard—"

And viciously ripped the letter.