
In the same old, unchanging room.

In this boring and unchanging workplace of mine, a regular customer appeared.


He raised his hand and gave me a friendly greeting.

Though now is not the kind of situation to be saying 'yo'…

"Kazuma-san… Good grief, why are you…"

Why does this person die so easily?

He even defeated the Demon King, so I really wish he'd stop popping up in here so often.

More importantly, I really wish he'd stop making himself at home here.

He had both hands behind his head and crossed his legs, completely at ease…

──This is the place where the souls of the deceased end up.

It's not supposed to be a place where you can make yourself at home, but…

"Phew, this place really is the best place to relax. How do I put it, I feel like I'm being rejuvenated just by meeting Eris-sama."

Saying that, he laid down, using his hands as a pillow.

"…Good grief. I had a really hard time after that, you know? Do you know how much work it took me to return here?"

"Well, I mean, you were gone by the time I got back to town. I was planning on giving you a lift."

…Give me a lift?

No, more importantly,

"Um, could you please stop calling me Eris-sama? You are the hero who defeated the Demon King, and you know my true identity as well, so you can drop the honorifics. And you should also use your usual casual tone…"

"Well, if you speak to me like you usually do, I'll do the same."

"…That's how I naturally talk when I'm a goddess… Still, you look really worn out. What happened this time? After peace was restored to the world below, I haven't had the chance to observe it too much…"

Just what kind of monster killed him this time?

With the Demon King defeated, the monsters of that world should've grown weaker.

As he is right now, there wouldn't be very many creatures capable of killing him.

"…Well, a lot of things happened. Actually, I was kicked out of the mansion for getting a little carried away. I'm the Hero who defeated the Demon King, you know? It shouldn't be too much just to ask for a few rewards more."

That's terrible.

I don't know exactly what happened, but I agree that this man deserves to be rewarded just a little more.

"Sounds like everyone is as lively as ever… Did you run into any major trouble so far?"

"Yeah, they really are lively. Nothing really troublesome has happened so far, but… Well, I have a really bad feeling. For instance, recently, Megumin has been disappearing off somewhere with Yunyun quite often and coming back with a refreshed look on her face. She must be letting off her Explosion somewhere, but who knows what she's using as her target this time…"

…I think I'll keep the fact that the two of them have been heading to the Demon King's castle every day to blast it with Explosion to myself.

"As the great noble who helped defeat the Demon King, Darkness was granted new land to govern. Speaking of which, she has been complaining about receiving countless marriage proposals from not just nobles of Belzerg, but from all over the world too. Recently she has holed herself up inside the mansion to avoid meeting the messengers from the country."

…He's the reason why she's rejecting all those proposals. Seriously, acting like it doesn't concern him at all…

She faces strong rivals in the form of Megumin and his "adopted" sister, and on top of that he's such a free-spirited person. Darkness sure has it tough.

"And Aqua, who kicked me out from the mansion, refuses to let me back in. She keeps telling me to 'Stop saying stupid things' or the like, but even if she says 'stupid things'…"

"Just what did you say to get her to kick you out?"

I believe this is the second time he was kicked out of the mansion.

He has accomplished many great things to save the world, so just saying a few things shouldn't…

"I was being showered with praises and attention after defeating the Demon King, so I let it get to my head a little and made just a little joke. It went, 'Alright, daddy's making a harem'."


"…Eris-sama, I do feel bad over that, so please don't stay silent. It's going to make me depressed."

I take back what I've said.

This guy should definitely go through a little more hardship.

"Well, anyway, you can feel free to relax here until Senpai calls you back."

…But I guess it'd be fine to let him relax when he's over here.

"…Call me back? …Ah, I'm not dead, you know?"

He raised his head from the floor and said that.

"…You're not dead? But aren't you right here?"

"Well, yes. I came here by my own power."


"I teleported here. Teleport. You know, I was here before the duel with the Demon King, right? I still had a spot open for my teleport destinations, so I thought…"


What did this man just say?

"Wait, hold on a minute. You placed a Teleport destination here?"

"Yeah… I mean, come on, not even I would leave Aqua hanging here without a plan to get her back. By the way, do you think I can come here to hang out every so often? You know, when I get dragged into troublesome things…"

"No, no, no, you can't! What are you saying!? And, you managed to register a Teleport point here? How could you do that? Actually, how do you keep doing things that no one else can even consider!?"

"W-Well, I just tried it as a test and it worked, so…"

If he could just pop in here anytime he wanted, this place would be stripped of its dignity entirely.

"Come to think of it, Darkness has been looking for Chris a lot nowadays, you know? Actually, if she could just meet you normally, there'd be no need for this charade."

"Ugh… If I meet her now, she will chase me to the bottom of it… I'll find time to meet with her later."

Then, he languidly sat up.

"Seriously, how could they treat the hero who saved the world this poorly? Right, I think it's about time I go teach them a lesson!"

He cracked his neck as he was saying that and stretched.

──The Hero who saved the world.

He says it so flippantly, but does he really understand what he has achieved?

A single powerless man with unreliable companions managed to defeat the Demon King's generals and other strong enemies one by one, eventually managing to take out even the Demon King himself.

Even the great heroes featured in the extremely distorted fairy tales could only achieve such a feat with the help of legendary equipment and powerful companions.

"First is the idiot who kicked me out. I was just a little soft on her, and it immediately got to her head."

He started chanting teleportation magic while doing some light calisthenics​.

Just imagining the scenes that would take place after this brought a smile to my face.

Even though chaos and trouble followed him everywhere, he always seemed to be in good cheer.

"Right, Eris-sama, I'm off to make them cry a little."

"Have a safe trip. Don't do anything too horrible to them, okay?"

Hearing my words, the great hero who saved the world turned around with a wry smile on his face.

──I hope that this person gets rewarded just a little more.

──I hope that he will never come to regret staying in this world instead of going back to Japan.

"Kazuma-san, please hold on for a moment. You don't come here very often, so let me give you a little present."

He gave me a puzzled look. In response, I extended my hand and gave him a smile.

"I wish good fortune upon you who have worked so hard for the sake of this world."

──I hope that you'll come to enjoy this wonderful world that you've worked so hard to protect.

I extended my hand towards him and offered a prayer from the bottom of my heart──!

