Siege of Toulon Part 2

September 22, 1793.

Three thousand men positioned themselves in front of Mont Caire. The soldiers overlooked the hill as they saw a British fort looking down at them with cannons and muskets.

Napoleon's horse trotted along the French lines, looking at the men who would participate in the siege. There are a lot of them, three thousand, as General Carteaux promised before retreating back to the rear.

"I see that everyone is ready," Napoleon commented. "General, give the men order to charge."

General Carteaux raised his hand and waved it down. The drummers responded to the signal, their rhythmic beats filling the air with an air of anticipation. The soldiers, brimming with determination, adjusted their muskets and tightened their grips on their bayonets. With one unified motion, the French army surged forward, their boots pounding against the ground, as they began their assault on the British fort.