A Fleeting Desire and New Personnel

Napoleon boarded the carriage and sat next to Ciela. He looked around the interior of the carriage, marveling at its opulence. Soft velvet cushions lined the seats, and intricate gold trimmings adorned every surface.

"This looks expensive," Napoleon commented.

Ciela chuckled softly. "Nothing is expensive on me now, Napoleon. With the money we are earning from our enterprises, we could pretty much do everything we want."

As she said that, Ciela's finger trailed on Napoleon's hand.

Napoleon's gaze shifted from the lavish interior to Ciela's finger as it traced a delicate path on his hand. A tingle of warmth spread through his veins, and he couldn't help but be captivated by her touch. He turned his hand, interlacing his fingers with hers, and their fingers entwined in a gentle embrace.