New Weapon

Two weeks had passed since Napoleon's arrival at Château de Chantilly, and he found himself under the careful care of Ciela.

In the opulent dressing room, adorned with mirrors and luxurious fabrics, Ciela meticulously attended to Napoleon's wardrobe. She had crafted an array of suits tailored specifically for him. As the final touches were made, she stepped back to admire her work.

A warm smile graced her lips as she surveyed Napoleon's figure in the perfectly fitted suit.

"Now, you truly look regal and handsome," Ciela commented with genuine admiration.

Napoleon looked at his reflection in the gilded mirror, his sharp eyes assessing the image that stared back at him. The gray three-piece suit accentuated his commanding presence, the tailored fit emphasizing his broad shoulders and trim waist. The black dress shirt, contrasting against the muted tones, added a touch of mystery and allure.