Hippolyte? Where Can I Find Him?

"Sir…what do you mean you have to return to Paris?" Murat asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Napoleon paused in his packing, glancing up at Murat with a mixture of determination and concern. "It's exactly as it sounds, Murat. I have no choice but to go," he replied, his voice laced with urgency.

Berthier interjected, his voice laced with caution, "But General, this isn't a formal directive from the Directoire. If you leave your post without proper authorization, you risk facing a court-martial."

Napoleon's eyes flashed with a touch of defiance as he turned to face Berthier. "Do you honestly think they would court-martial the General who has been single-handedly winning this war?" he retorted. "I assure you, I will return before the operation begins. I'll take the fastest means available, even if it means traveling by train."