The Changes and Camaderie

Napoleon and Ciela retreated to their office inside the Chantilly. He closed the door behind him, creating a sense of privacy within the room. Meanwhile, Ciela gracefully made her way over to the table, diligently organizing the cluttered documents that lay scattered across her desk.

Observing the scene, Napoleon's eyes fell upon an electric table light that had been recently installed. The sight sparked his curiosity, prompting him to comment.

"I see that you've taken the initiative to introduce electricity into our home."

Ciela turned towards Napoleon, a faint smile gracing her lips. "Indeed, as soon as electricity became available, I made it a priority to bring it into our household," she replied. "And in case you're wondering about the source of power, we've built a power plant in Paris."

Intrigued, Napoleon walked closer to Ciela.

"Tell me, how have the people of Paris responded to electric power?"