Triumphant Return

Paris, June 30th, 1800

The streets of Paris were filled with exuberance as the grand procession welcomed their victorious First Consul, returning from his campaign in Italy.

The air resonated with joyous cheers, and the crowd's excitement was palpable. They waved their hands enthusiastically and let out bustling whistles to express their delight at the triumphant return of their leader.

Napoleon, riding on his horse, acknowledged the warm reception with a gracious wave of his hand, returning the affection of the crowd.

What's causing this mood? Napoleon's victory over the Austrians in Italy spread like wildfire in France. A million newspapers were filled with detailed accounts of how he defeated the Austrians in the Battle of Marengo and the subsequent aftermath, where the territories they had taken from France three years ago were now back in France's possession.

Moments later, as Napoleon was still waving his hands at the people, the people began to chant his name.