A Pivotal Peace and Christmas Plans

December 24th, 1800. In the Palace of Versailles. Two o'clock in the afternoon.

"The Minister of War!" Beaumont's voice boomed, causing Napoleon to sit up straighter in his seat.

"Let him in," Napoleon commanded.

The heavy oaken door swung open, and Berthier, the Minister of War, stepped into the room. He greeted Napoleon with a respectful nod.

"Your Excellency," Berthier said, getting straight to the point, "I bring the latest updates from our eastern borders."

Napoleon motioned for Berthier to approach the desk, where the documents were placed. He leaned forward, ready to examine the reports.

"Yesterday, Archduke Charles approached General Moreau, who was occupying the city of Melk. And there, Archduke Charles has requested an armistice, and General Moreau, as per your orders, accepted the offer," Berthier explained, handing over the official documents for Napoleon to review.