Exposition des Produits de L'industrie Française (Exhibition of Products of French Industry) Part 3 Last

Half an hour later, a crowd gathered along the riverbanks of the Seine to witness the steamship as it approached the dock. The paddlewheels propelled the vessel forward, and onlookers watched in curiosity as it made its way to its destination.

The Elite Consular Guard under the command of Bessierres, parted the crowds to make way for the First Consul's wife, Ciela, and their children to pass through.

Arriving at the riverbank, Ciela and the children were greeted by the sight of the impressive steamship slowly gliding toward the dock. There, they saw a familiar figure.

"That's Papa!" Aveline exclaimed, pointing at Napoleon, who was coming out of the steamship.

Napoleon, noticing his family waiting for him in the midst of the crowd, couldn't contain his joy. He waved back at them, a bright smile spreading across his face. The applause from the onlookers seemed to grow even louder as they witnessed the First Consul.