The Revelation

Napoleon reached the entrance to his office, catching sight of Beaumont standing there with a respectful nod.

"Beaumont," Napoleon acknowledged.

"Your Excellency, His Imperial Majesty is currently within your office and anticipates your presence," Beaumont informed him with a slight bow.

Napoleon's lips tightened, a mask of seriousness settling upon his features. "Ensure that no one gains access to this hallway under any circumstances. I mean no exceptions, Beaumont."

"Understood, Your Excellency. The corridors leading to your office have been secured by the vigilant watch of our guards," Beaumont assured.

"Very well," Napoleon replied, his gaze fixed on Beaumont. "I shall not be disturbed. Now, excuse me."

With a decisive nod, Napoleon brushed past Beaumont and stepped into his office. The heavy door closed behind him, muffling the distant sounds of the palace.