The Powder Keg

January 17th, 1822. On the Ionian Sea, the situation was on a knife's edge. The French and Russian fleets, under Admirals Trullet and Orlov respectively, were in a standoff, a chess game of naval might and strategic positioning.

Onboard the French flagship, Admiral Trullet stood on the deck, his eyes scanning the horizon. His crew moved with practiced efficiency, every man aware of the gravity of their situation. Trullet knew the orders from Paris were clear: engage the Ottomans if they crossed the demarcation line. The line was not just a geographical boundary; it was a trigger point for potential war. His thoughts were interrupted by his lieutenant's report.

"Sir, the Ottomans are approaching the line. We must decide soon." Trullet nodded, his mind racing through scenarios. A clash seemed inevitable, yet he was acutely aware of the broader implications. A battle here could ignite a wider conflict, drawing in more of Europe.