Chapter 5

I wake up under a tree. I must have passed out from all the alcohol I consumed. I know there's repercussions for my actions this last night. I know that Ajay is pissed. I made a huge scene last night revealing that we don't have a perfect pack.

Honestly, though, I feel bad for my behavior toward Dev. Part of it was my immaturity and jealousy that took hold of me. What he said was partially true. How do I know that Zare is missing me?

I noticed Dev is eating breakfast at the picnic table next to the trailer. My feet move toward him. I still have no idea what I'm going to say or how I'm going to patch things up.

Besides Zare and maybe Kiara, I love Dev out of anyone in this pack.

"Look dude, I'm sorry last night's actions were inexcusable." I rub the back of my neck as I spoke.

"I don't know if I could ever be your friend again, I actually hate you." I see the twinkle in Dev's eye. I know he's feeding me bullshit.

"Whatever." I playfully punch his arm and he laughs.

I take my seat next to him, grabbing a handful of grapes from his plate. I put them in my mouth.

"I know I poked the bear, that was a stupid comment. I have no idea why I said that," he tells me.

"Yeah, but there's probably some truth in it, that's why I reacted the way I did. Who knows what she's going to want when she comes back."

"I think she's missing you, I think she'll melt right back in your arms. Last night I just wanted to see you loosen up and have a good night for once," he tells me.

"I probably could have, but I feel like Zare is the only one that can satisfy me."

I understand, I can't imagine touching anyone else but Riya, it would be so strange."

"Yeah, that we are whipped."

Dev laughs.

I see beers left over in the cooler from last night. I'm surprised there's any left with how much I drank. I leave my seat and grab one. I have had a headache since last night, and I am beyond hungover, but I can't imagine getting through this day sober.

"Chetan, it's literally in the morning. You don't need to be drinking this early, or you're going to get shit-faced by the afternoon," Ajay yells at me from across the fire.

"That's the plan." I crack open the beer.

Ajay, marches over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "Now, this. It's just a beer."

"You know what, enjoy that one."

My eyes watch as he walks over and cracks open all the beers and dumps out the liquor inside.

"Really Ajay?"

"I'm literally about to roll you into alcohol anonymous class," he tells me.

Dev laughs so hard he nearly chokes on his grapes.

"That's ridiculous, I'm not an alcoholic."

"If we're going to get your girl back, you may want to be sober for the fight," he tells me.

"So you're finally admitting she's mine."

"You need to get your shit together, because when she gets home, she's going to need you, or I'll be what she needs." He eyes me.

I let his words sink in. God only knows what they're doing to her emotionally. Ajay is completely right. I need to sober up and be the man she left.


I walk over and sit with the crew around the bonfire. I see Riya cuddling with Dev, I watch her nestle her head up to his chest. I miss those moments.

I see Smoke exit the trailer and only his boxers. He runs his hands through his hair and comes to sit with us.

"Beware entering the back bedroom, there are three naked girls in the bed," he tells us.

Dev and Ajay laugh, shaking their hands.

"You're a maniac," Dev says.

"Well, I had to handle all the females, since Chetan was too pussy last night."

"Fuck you, Smoke."

"No, you should have fucked Dyani last night," he tells me.

"Hey that's not cool, he's going through emotional trauma," Dev says.

"Maybe if you weren't such an ass, you would have somebody you're committed to." I get up from the log. If I punch Smoke in the face, it wouldn't be my first confrontation with him. He gets under my skin. He's such a cocky son of a bitch.

"I'm going to do a zombie run."

"I want to come,'' Riya says.

I smile. "I'm not in the mood to babysit."

"Babysit." She places her hand on her hip.

Dev chuckles.

"All right, come on brave heart."

She gets up from Dev's lap and walks toward me.

"Are you coming dude?" I eye Dev.

I am too tired. "Keep an eye on my Angel."

It wasn't a lie when you say babysit. When you take a girl on the run, most of your intention is making sure that she is safe.

Riya and I dash off into the words. We stay in our human form, and I enjoy the wind whipping through my hair. My feet crunched on the leaves of red, yellow, and green as we walk.

Finally making it to the cemetery, I was relieved that we saw no zombies. But just beyond it, I heard laughing, and I would know that laugh anywhere.

"I don't think we should encounter them," Riya warns me.

I know she is telling the truth, we would be outnumbered, but I had to get a glimpse of her to make sure my baby was all right.

"We will just walk a little further."

Riya looks at me. I can tell she's scared and worried.

I grab her hand. "It is going to be okay sweetpea."

We move until they were in full view.

Taking a look at Zare, she looks so different it makes me sick to my stomach. Her skin is so paler and she is a lot thinner.

She doesn't have that beautiful tan skin and a twinkle in her eye.

She is with Ace, which is shocking to me. It looks like they are hunting.

"It looks like we hit the jackpot."

Ace moves toward us.

Riya walks backwards, trying to get away. She trips over a nearby branch, twisting her ankle.

"Ace, stop."

Zare grabs his arm and Ace tosses her to the ground.

I feel my blood boiling seeing her get hurt. But my priority is getting Riya back to Dev.

I carefully pick Riya up in my arms. She moans a little. "I am sorry sweetie." I kiss her cheek.

She nestles her head into my chest.

"Chetan." Zare cries. I hear the pain in her voice.

I want to hold her. I want my hands on her. I want to love her and comfort her.

"Is this what you traded, getting hurt by these cowards when you can have me every night?"

I hear her sobbing as I turn away. This was the most emotion I have gotten out of her, and it really sucks that I'm here with Riya.

"Chetan," Zare cries as I turn away.