Chapter 10

"You're going to end up getting us in trouble," Dev laughs as he passes back my bottle of whiskey.

We have been drinking for hours, while Ajay and Cricket search for food. I know Dev is beyond wasted. There is redness in his eyes, and he is acting unsettled, rather than Dev's usual weird self.

"I thought Alpha left you two clowns in charge?" laughs Smoke, taking a seat next to me.

"If I was a clown, I would be in a cirus,"snaps Dev.

"Whatever, Chetan, I thought you were leaving to get our ran away back?"

I eye him. I know he doesn't really care about Zare, he is just being nosy.

"Yeah, I promise Ajay some time before I leave."

"Ah, I think you're scared."

"Oh God, here we go," Dev rolls his eyes.

"Of what Smoke?"

"Rather Zare wants you back, as bad as you want her."

I laugh. "Smoke, you should be cornered, why nobody is your mate."

"Touche Chetan."

Dev chuckles, taking another drink of Whiskey.

"I can't see clearly anymore, my head hurts. Bro, how do you operate like this?"

"That's me everyday."

"Everyday," Dev repeats. With a serious bro look on his face, he stares at me.

My sense of self has really disappeared. I am turning into an alcoholic. Is that the man Zare needs?

Dev hands me back the bottle, but I quickly pass it back to him.

"I think it's time, I put that away."

"I have no problem keeping it," says Smoke, grabbing the bottle.

"I would hide that from Ajay." I laugh.

I see Riya, Aanya and Abooksigun walking towards us.

"Let's go to the lake for a swim." Riya suggests.

"A swim." Dev smiles.

"I am definitely game for a swim," Smoke winks at the girls. He is such a flirt. I roll my eyes.

"I think I am staying back ladies."

Feeling Abooksigun's soft hand on my mind, I rub her hand gently. Her face showed a slight sadness. "Please Chetan, I want you to be there." She looks at me with angel eyes.

"Fine," I laugh.

My eyes are captivated by the beautiful blue water of the river a few miles from camp, where girls splash themselves with water. There is a warm glow in the air thanks to the sunlight that shines through the trees. I watch Aanya collecting seashells. Getting up from my spot, I move towards her.

"What are ya doing?" I sit down next to her.

I see the joy in her eyes. "Making Ajay a bracelet."

I return the smile. "He'll love that."

"You really think?"

I nod.

Putting my head back, I get Zare scent. It doesn't hurt me like it usually does. It is a given that she is close by, and I know one day I can look forward to her return. Ajay will have suitable competition, I am no longer sharing my mate. When Zare returns, she will be mine and only mine.

Hours later, we sit by the campfire listing Cricket playing songs on the guitar. It was peaceful, sending happy vibes to my soul. My favorite moments are those when the pack just chills out together and relaxes.

A race was being waged through the forest as feet moved fast.

Then I see her Zare. She returned to the pack at last.

The End

Read Sandy Shores At War