Blueprint for victory!

As Alex was having a big headache thinking about this issue he also was subconsciously feeling relieved as this solved a lot of problems it established his prestige around the globe while also slowing down the extinction of humans "fuck it all you get is a thanks and nothing else whoever you are" said Alex with sharp eyes he didn't know if what ever it was could even hear him but he didn't care at all unbeknownst to Alex the voice talked to itself in the void again "what an interesting person but it's not like I can help you anymore" although you couldn't see it's face you could clearly hear the extreme bitterness in its tone at the last part, as Alex was daydreaming with the radio on three knocks came to his door knowing it was John alex was still cautious and said "who is it" a second later "it's me alex you literally called me here like 10 minutes ago did you forget or something?" Hearing the extreme joking tone outside the door alex just smirked and opened the door to see John smirking and acting smug but as soon as he entered and the doors closed his face did a 180 turn becoming extremely nervous and with a frown Alex knew he was just pretending the jokes and happy face he put infront of his sister were all fake and perhaps a coping mechanism because all the time he and John been together he never acted like that, "you finally got tired of acting huh" said Alex with a smile as John just sat on his bed and sighed and said "shit was so stressful I didn't want my sister to feel sad" said John as Alex just said "talk what you want too I'll answer" he knew John didn't just come to chat he needed something John just looked at him and shook his head his friend was just too straightforward "hey Alex you think we'll make it to the end" said John as he stared at the ceiling he heard Alex's speech he wasn't as broken but he needed his honest opinion to feel secure "I don't know if we'll make it the future is uncertain but I'll leave behind a blueprint for victory but what would you leave behind" said Alex as the room became quite but then was filled with johns sobs as he said with a cracked voice "Alex I don't want her to face this world alone" said John while sobbing Alex was silent for a second then said "then help me build a world where she won't have to face it alone" to John this was the best words he could hear afterall his love for his sister is greater than his will to live he only lives for his sister and seeing Alex's stretched out hands he couldn't help but take them to stand up infront of Alex and hug and cry on his shoulder, Alex who was tightly hugged and shoulder dressed in tears couldn't help but smile afterall John is a severely broken individual after all these events he was a man that had to many thoughts for his own good

"Ok John I have a mission coming up will you hug me for eternity" said Alex with a joking tone but John didn't loosen up at all and said "hey Alex if I died would you take care of my sister?" Hearing this alex had a headache what time of question was this "John do you have brain damage or something" said Alex mockingly but all he got was a pleading "Alex" John knew Alex would take care of his sister his conscious just needed those words hearing johns pleading voice Alex just said "Yes I would" short and simple words but it did the trick as he let go with a smile still had red eyes from all the crying Alex touched his drenched shoulder and said "is the Disney princess done crying like how many years have you stockpiled those crocodile tears" Alex said with a joking tone as John laughed and said "I'll envy the girl you get she'll get the perfect shoulder to cry on if she can even reach your shoulder that is" said John as he started laughing as they started talking and joking something came in from his radio he uses for communication with his team "Zzz…commander the veterans are looking for you…Zzzz" picking up the radio he said "Zzz..roger that I'm coming out in 5..zzzz" said Alex as he got to thinking why they would want to meet him and he had a good idea those homeless veterans had nothing to live for almost all had no family and those who did abandoned them it could be seen they were under huge stress just like his team and they were looking for something to live for after all they were soldiers they have better physiology than civilians so they didn't break down or complain but that doesn't mean they weren't close to breaking down it seems they also got my speech and want a meeting alex looked at John and said "you want to come with me?" John just nodded as Alex left the room followed by John as he made his way to his front yard
Walking out the front door what first greeted his eyes were the great amount of armored vehicles 5 tanks the tanks were 5 mark10 chieftains a British tank made during the Cold War one was a crane variant this was all the tanks they could find to buy without having to wait months of time of shipping after all shipping tons of steel isn't easy there was atleast 10 humvees with there Machine gun turrets ofcourse they had to install them themselves and 4 APCs not the mention the unarmored military trucks for transport as he walked out a member of his team caught his attention he was wearing full gear without the gas mask and a rifle on his back looks like he was doing the morning patrols