
Hearing about the researchers and scientists got Alex excited afterall having them gives a boost to their survival "that's good if your signal isn't out on your phones tell them to also get trust worthy scientists and researchers that have good personalities make sure to tell them not to tell anybody only the people they trust that we are coming for them you know the consequences if everyone knew" said Alex with a serious face as the browns also got serious they knew what would happen they would be forced in a situation where keeping they're lives will be difficult "dont worry Alex we'll get the message through but we need to talk about test subjects that aren't infected" said Chris with a serious face as this topic in any other times would be taboo but now it's normal but Alex wasn't going to use innocent survivors he would use the ones that had fallen into darkness "no problem but wait atleast a month from now" said Alex as Chris and Janet both nodded with conflicted expressions after all they never did human testing for obvious reasons

As Alex and John were looking at the more than 300 men train John couldn't help but ask "are you finally gonna introduce them" said John as Alex simply just sighed and said "the earlier the better" said Alex as behind the gated community was a wilderness that was home to a fenced in nature reserve the reserve was massive with its own lake as Alex thought of the reserve he made up his mind and said "ok let's go I think it's time" said Alex leading John to his personal car that's just a humvee without a machine gun, driving through the community Alex attracted a lot of attention mainly from his men as they were all curious to where he was going but that didn't stop them from continuing to train, as Alex drove down a dirt road surrounded by trees on both sides he finally saw a gigantic gate and fence made out of metal bars the fence was about 12 ft tall and that wasn't all as it was 6 ft below the ground stopping anything from burrowing through, to this day alex has no idea what they were trying so desperately to protect but he doesn't care he never did that's why he illegally took over this reserve from the state a month ago by took over alex just strolled in with John and two assault rifles held the staff hostage and convinced them to join by showing videos of atrocities going around it was highly unethical but is that going to stop Alex from trying to get all the advantages to survive? Hell no

Alex got out the car to unlock the lock on the gate as he did John drove the humvee in as he closed the gate again as they drove on the dirt path in the reserve for minutes they would hear barking all around them as they finally saw a big log building parking outside they were greeted by 3 men in rangers uniform, getting out the car Alex was greeting by one of the men "Alex i havnt seen you in weeks if it wasn't for the radio I would of thought something bad happened" hearing this alex just smiled and said "I've been busy how about you how you been I see you three take protection seriously and guard this place" said Alex as he knew this was like a line of defense and next to the lake was where the real prize was at "you promised us a lot alex we can't slack off" said another man "ok let's get going I want to see the progress" said Alex as he hopped back into his car as the three men stood there and saluted his departure

As Alex and John continued to drive in a direction barking of dogs could be heard getting louder and louder until they finally saw the lake it was fairly big but it's surroundings were weird the lake was surrounded by dog houses and they were 10s of thousands of them the entire place was filled with dogs and barking there were also 5 big log houses next to the lake that's where Alex was heading as he stopped infront of the houses with curious dogs big and small following there car as soon as Alex and John got out the humvee they saw they were practically surrounded by dogs on all sides with tags and collars on them soon the door to the log house they stopped infront of opened "Alex it's so nice to see you again what brings you here" said a man that came out "Cam im here to look at you and your teams work and I'm fairly impressed" cam hearing Alex just smiled and said "come inside
I'll fill you in on everything you want to know"

"First of all Alex me and my people would like to thank you for saving us at first we were suspicious at why you wanted to train these much dogs but I'm glad you chose my company because if not we probably would be those corpses by now and you took in our families" said cam extremely grateful "haha don't worry cam how many dog breeds we have" hearing Alex's question cam instantly got excited and started talking "I don't know how you did it alex but we got almost every breed in the world and they came in as puppies and the adults were well behaved you surely spent millions on just getting these we have tagged every dog with there species and name so we can identify them we have about 50,000 dogs here from the biggest in the world to the smallest they are all well trained by us as the most we gotten were puppies the small minority were already full grown but very well behaved and easy to train"

(I will explain next chapter why dogs and animals in particular are important in this situation and why I don't have cats in this reserve aswell this did not happen because I or the mc likes dogs but has a reason and driving point for it and everything going on is unrealistic if not in this situation after all the authorities attention are taken by the infection they don't have manpower to start an investigation everything accomplished is highly illegal and will not work unless you got money and in this scenario)