
Eating lunch with the families of the trainers and 3 veterinarians and the 3 rangers that were supposed to be on guard "hey John you should take your sister here sometimes to be with kids her age" said Alex while eating a sandwich John who heard this just nodded his head as he was also busy eating soon minutes passed as they were enjoying they're free time chatting and playing with the occasional dogs that pass by they started hearing footsteps in the distance hearing these footsteps Alex just stood next to the gate waiting the others knew Alex called people over but as the sound got closer they could tell it was way to much people as the footsteps now sound like stomps making everyone nervous except for Alex and John as more time passed they could finally see the figures of people but as they got closer they were left stunned over 300 people marching together they had equipment that made no part of their bodies visible or unarmored aswell with those gas masks made them look quite intimidating if it weren't for the logo and words on they're chest being the same as Alex's they might think the government somehow came to reclaim the land while fighting millions of undead

Alex seeing his men finally arrive opened the gate as myers who was at the front panting a little after all he is 50 marching it's a miracle he is not on a stretcher right this moment "commander" said myers while saluting as the 300+ men behind him saluted and said "commander" seeing his men greet him alex just nodded in acknowledgment as he lead his men in as they finally made it in he locked the gate as he turned to his men and said "this is Breeding base A and this is the staff" said Alex as he pointed towards the 50 people who were still in a state of shock as these more than 300 hundred men are extremely disciplined and look strong "is anybody allergic to dog hair" although this question seemed kinda odd everyone just shook their head in the future everyone with allergies will unfortunately not make it as the streets will be littered with cat and dog hair as they tried to escape the zombies making survival extremely hard for those people and looking for medicine will make life hell for them "ok everyone follow me" said Alex as he took the lead in walkijg to the lake as the men walked behind him followed by the people that live here as they walked for minutes eventually passing the big log cabin on the way to the lake every one started hearing dog barks as it became clear to Alex's men that the breeding base breeds dogs not livestock like they thought well it could be livestock in a time of crisis as they finally left the forest to an opening where the lake was situated every veteran were stunned because they never seen this many dogs before especially in this kind of fashion as the kennels and dog houses looked like a city which was weird in theyre books cam who was beside Alex saw the confusion and grew enough courage to speak "we didn't have time or houses to build shelters plus this is over 50,000 dogs it's impossible to build enough houses to house them all so we just went with the next best plan in this way they can interbreed which goes with our intentions" said cam as Alex said after him "ok all squad captains come forward" soon 34 men came infront of Alex squad captains are people that lead a small squad of 10 soldiers to be a squad captain isnt easy every soldier gets tested on survival and survival scenarios the ones who score the best is the squad captain all the scenarios revolve around zombies these captains aren't forever every month every squad is tested and whoever scores higher than the captains get his position this ensures that the life of his men are in the most capable hands available all the veterans took this little test a few days after arrival "cam can you get the dogs for use" said Alex as cam quickly went into a log cabin while other people went around the small dog city as the soldiers finally knew what was happening they were getting dogs then they got excited as they knew dogs saved lives from IEDs to chasing, hunting and avoiding the applications were endless and will save a lot of there lives

Approximately 5 minutes later came with his men came back with 60 dogs they ranged from German shepherds, mastifs, retrievers, dobbermans, Rottweiler and a few more big breeds that have been retired from serving the military "what you have infront of you are retired military and police dogs they will go back to serve and fight consult your squads and pick a dog" said Alex as the men saluted it was not known if it was at Alex's words or at the dogs after all they are all retired men that came back to serve in times of need the dogs were very calm and just sat there looking at the soldiers they are experienced at seeing men dressed like them so they weren't afraid or nervous the soldiers quickly took of they're headwear and started talking amongst they're squad as the captains were talking with there men John was talking to cam "cam how do you feed this many puppies" "we luckily got them a few weeks old and already weened so all we had to do is feed them some wet food we typically just get some big plates and put food in it we have to prepare 100 plates bigger than us of food every day it's truly exhausting and slow luckily they are growing fast the adult dogs have a dog bowl infront of there dog houses we just fill up I still think it's insane how much dog food we have I think we can feed these dogs for atleast 2 years with this amount of food"