
Jaxon paced back and forth in his apartment. Emily had been missing for days, and he had no idea where she could be. She wasone of his top students, and he had trained her well. Emily had the potential to become an excellent demon hunter, and her sudden disappearance had Jaxon worried. He had trained her to be a demon hunter, just like him, and she had proven herself to be one of the best.

Jaxon couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had happened to her. He had scoured the city, asking other fellow hunters and gathering information, but nothing turned up. He was about to give up hope when he got a strange message on his phone. It was a photo of Emily, bloody and beaten, with the words 'Come and find her' written below it.

Jaxon felt a cold shiver run through his body. He knew who had taken her. It was the same group of demons that had been terrorizing the city for weeks. They were ruthless, and their leader was known for kidnapping, torturing, and killing humans. Jaxon knew that this was going to be dangerous, but he couldn't leave Emily in their hands.

He grabbed his weapons, took a deep breath, and headed out into the night. Jaxon had been hunting demons for years, and he had never backed down from a challenge. But this time it was different. This time it was personal.

Jaxon made his way through the deserted streets, his senses on high-alert. He could feel the demons' presence before he saw them. They were hiding in the shadows, waiting for him. Jaxon emerged from an alley and was immediately surrounded by a group of demons. They hissed and snarled, their eyes glowing red with malice.

Jaxon didn't hesitate. He charged, his sword drawn, and began to fight. The demons were swift, but Jaxon was swifter. He blocked their attacks, parried their strikes, and went for the kill. His movements were precise, deadly. He was fueled by rage and determination, and nothing was going to stand in his way.

The fight was brutal and long. It seemed that the demons kept coming, one after another. But Jaxon fought on, his strength never wavering. He was a demon hunter, and this was what he was born to do.

Finally, Jaxon saw the demons' leader. He was a towering figure, with horns on his head and flames in his eyes. Jaxon knew that this was the one who had taken Emily. He charged towards the demon, his sword raised above his head. The demon responded with a fierce roar and lunged towards Jaxon.

The battle was intense. Jaxon danced around the demon, avoiding his strikes, and counterattacking with all the force he had. They fought like titans, with each blow sending reverberations through the streets. It seemed like the demon was about to overcome Jaxon, but then he saw something. The demon hesitated for a split second, his guard down. And that was all Jaxon needed.

With a swift and deadly strike, Jaxon plunged his sword deep into the demon's heart. The demon let out a guttural scream and fell to the ground, dead. And that's when Jaxon saw her. Emily, lying on the ground, battered and bruised, but alive.

Jaxon's heart stopped. He ran towards Emily, picked her up, and held her in his arms. She was alive, and that was all that mattered. He looked at her face, tears streaming down his own. And then he saw something else. At the edge of the road, the same demons who had taken Emily were watching. They had witnessed the entire fight, and they knew what would happen next.

With a single-minded fury, Jaxon turned towards the demons. He had no words, no hesitation. He charged towards them, his sword flashing in the moonlight. He went on a rampage, killing all the demons he could find. They tried to resist, but Jaxon was unstoppable. He hunted them down, one by one, until there were none left.

Jaxon stood alone in the middle of the empty street, his face streaked with blood and sweat. He looked around, taking stock of the carnage he had caused. The demons were gone, and he had avenged Emily. But at what cost?

Jaxon gazed down at Emily's lifeless body, tears stinging his eyes. She had taken her last breaths while he was fighting the demons. He should have protected her better. He should have been quicker.

Jaxon knew that there would be consequences for what he had done. The other demon hunters would be after him, and the police would want to talk to him. But he didn't care. He had lost something that he would never get back. He had lost one of his own.

Jaxon picked up Emily's body and walked away from the carnage he had caused. He knew that he would never forget this night, and he would always carry the memory of Emily with him. He had fought demons for years, but this fight was different. This was personal.

As he walked, the moon overhead shining down on him, Jaxon vowed to never let another one of his students fall. He would train them harder, protect them better, and make sure that they never felt the same pain that he felt now. And he would continue to hunt demons, until he took his last breath. That was his promise, to Emily and to himself.