Royce led his entourage through the dense forest towards his technological marvel of a mansion. Raizel was awestruck by the sight before him, gazing upon the towering structure built with the latest advancements in materials and technology.

Ming Yue and Rubia could only think about Royce's sudden appearance and taking out the A-4 class with ease as if tearing a paper in half. What surprised them even more was the fact he came forth and knelt at Raizel's feet calling him his master.

"What kind of dwelling is this, Royce?" Raizel asked, his curiosity piqued.

"This, my dear Master, is your mansion. One of the most advanced structures in existence, built with the latest and greatest technologies available to us," Royce replied with a slight bow. Raizel's eyes remained fixed on the gleaming walls and intricate patterns of the mansion as they entered. Suddenly, an invisible voice spoke, addressing the group.

"Welcome back to Helios! Please step forward into the marker to complete analysis."

Royce confidently stepped into the marker and the AI system scanned his entire body before placing a miniature machine in front of his eyes for optical bio-verification.

"Analysis complete. Welcome back, Drake Royce," the AI announced. Royce then urged Raizel to step into the marker. As Raizel hesitated, the AI picked up on his unknown genetic data and initiated an analysis to store the required information.

"Genesis! Initiate transfer to my master Raizel Michaelis, as the true owner of this mansion," Royce commanded.

"Please enter your bio credentials to confirm the process," the AI replied.

A second marker then appeared beside the first, and Royce and Raizel each stepped onto one.

After a brief scan of their data, the AI announced, "Mansion's ownership successfully transferred! Welcome to your new home, Raizel O'Hara!"

Raizel was left speechless by the AI's impressive capabilities, struggling to find the right words to express his amazement.

Raizel's fascination only grew as he explored the mansion further. He was especially intrigued by the AI-powered robots that roamed the halls, performing various tasks with ease and efficiency. "How do these white metal dolls work?" Raizel asked, gesturing towards a sleek robot that was cleaning the floors.

"They are known as robots, powered by advanced AI systems," Royce explained. "They can learn and adapt to their surroundings, making them incredibly useful for tasks such as cleaning and maintenance."

Raizel approached the robot and examined it closely. The machine whirred softly as it continued its task, unperturbed by Raizel's scrutiny.

"It's amazing," Raizel said, still marvelling at the robot's smooth movements and effortless efficiency. "I never imagined such technology could exist."

Royce smiled indulgently. "You have much to learn, Master Raizel. The wonders of this era are beyond what you could have ever imagined."

Raizel nodded, still captivated by the robot. "What else can they do?" he asked, turning back to Royce.

"They can do almost anything," Royce said, gesturing towards another robot that was carrying a tray of drinks. "They can cook, clean, serve, and even provide security."

Raizel watched in amazement as the robot approached them, its mechanical arms extending to offer them each a glass. He accepted it gratefully, still amazed at the possibilities that lay before him in this futuristic era.

Raizel was in awe as he gazed upon the sleek robots moving with grace and agility in the distance. "Pray tell, what is this thing you call a 'robot'?" he asked, eager to learn more about this advanced technology.

Royce gestured towards the machines and began his explanation. "Master, in this era of unparalleled innovation, the concept of a 'robot' has transcended its rudimentary origins. They are no longer mere mechanical devices performing mundane tasks. These entities are complex beings with their own personalities, objectives, and motivations."

Ming Yue interjected, "Their construction is comprised of advanced materials once thought to be impossible. Their sensors are so sophisticated that they can perceive the world in ways beyond human comprehension. And their processing power surpasses that of the human brain."

Rubia nodded, "But what sets them apart is their ability to think and make decisions for themselves. They are no longer mere servants to their human masters."

Raizel was transfixed by the human-like movements of the robots. "This is truly extraordinary," he said.

Royce continued, "Their lightweight alloys allow for strength and flexibility, allowing them to move with incredible speed and agility. And their faces are equipped with expressive features, enabling them to convey a vast range of emotions."

Ming Yue added, "These robots are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from exploring distant planets to designing intricate systems. They can function both independently and in groups and can converse with humans at a level almost indistinguishable from natural conversation."

Rubia emphasized, "However, we must remember to use them ethically and responsibly, never forgetting the importance of human values and empathy."

Raizel's mind was blown by the capabilities of these machines. "I never would have thought that such complexity could be achieved through technology," he said in amazement.

Raizel watched in amazement as the robot moved with a fluid grace, its sensors detecting even the smallest speck of dirt on the floor.

Raizel's eyes widened in wonder as he surveyed the sleek, touchscreen displays that adorned the walls of the mansion. The panels glowed with a mesmerizing aura, beckoning Raizel with their hypnotic allure. As he drew closer, his heart pounding with anticipation, Royce stepped forward, his voice resounding with a confident tone.

"These are the control panels for various systems in the mansion," Royce explained. "They are powered by the most advanced technology known to mankind, enabling you to manage everything from lighting and temperature control to security and entertainment with ease."

As Raizel approached one of the panels, his fingers trembling with excitement, he sensed the immense power that lay dormant beneath the surface. With a gentle touch, the panel sprang to life, revealing a spectacular holographic display, replete with a dazzling array of options and information.

Raizel was captivated by the hologram's seamless responsiveness, the cool surface yielding effortlessly to his touch. The tactile sensation was akin to an otherworldly force, responding to his every whim with exquisite grace and fluidity.

As they continued their tour, Raizel was spellbound by the holographic displays that surrounded him. The era of the future was a marvel to behold, a place where the impossible had become reality. From the towering skyscrapers to the levitating vehicles that glided through the air, every aspect of life had been transformed by the power of technology.

"I never thought such marvels could be possible," Raizel exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

"And yet, they are," Royce said with a smile. "We live in an age of limitless possibility, where the boundaries of what we can achieve are constantly expanding."

Raizel nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of profound gratitude to be alive in such a remarkable era. As he surveyed the city skyline, a sense of excitement bubbled up within him, eager to discover what other wonders lay waiting to be uncovered.

Royce stepped forward, his towering figure casting a shadow over the two girls. "That reminds me, Ming Yue and Rubia was it?" he said, his voice booming through the room. Both girls turned to face him, unsure of what to expect.

"Yes?" Ming Yue responded hesitantly, eyeing Royce warily. He seemed to be a man of authority, someone who commanded respect and obedience without question.

"You two will be staying at this Mansion," Royce declared, his tone authoritative. "Necessary arrangements have been made to make your stay comfortable, as instructed by the Master. Also, don't hesitate to ask me anything if you need something. Remember that this is your home from now on, so treat it like one." He flashed them a warm smile.

Without hesitation, Royce gave an order to the AI. "Genesis! Enter the bio-genetic data from the respected ladies. They'll be the residents of this Mansion from now on."

The AI beeped in response, its silky voice sounding from somewhere within the room. "Authorisation of the master Raizel O'Hara required to initiate further process."

Raizel's response was immediate. "Proceed!" he commanded, his voice cold and unyielding.

As the AI began to process the girls' DNA signatures, Ming Yue and Rubia exchanged confused glances. They had never seen anything like this before. What could Raizel want with their genetic data?

"Genomorphs DNA Signatures detected. Finalising process."

"I don't understand," Ming Yue said finally, breaking the silence. "Why would you allow lowly people like us to live in this...this luxury?"

Raizel regarded her coolly, his expression unreadable. "Do I need a reason?" he asked, his voice echoing through the room.

Ming Yue and Rubia exchanged another uneasy glance. They had both led lives of hardship and cruelty and had never encountered such kindness before. It was a lot to take in all at once.

"Um...well...", Rubia was feeling uncomfortable at Raizel's gaze. Raizel didn't blink an eye for a second, as if expecting a reply.

Before they could respond, Royce clapped his hands together, effectively ending the conversation. "Seeing your injuries and your physical conditions at the moment, I suggest that you drop this discussion and take a well required rest. And I won't take a NO for an answer. Is that understood?"

Once Royce completed his words, The girls nodded, too tired to argue. They had been through a lot, and the thought of a good night's sleep was too tempting to resist.

The two stumbled as they struggled to stand still.

"Woah! Be careful right there. See, I told you, now get on the gravity lift and go to your rooms. Genesis! Escort them to their rooms safely and treat their injuries in the recuperation chamber."

"Understood! Initiating arrangements of ReVitalyte in the rooms 03 and 06."

Raizel's eyes followed the retreating figures of Ming Yue and Rubia, their weariness palpable. His inscrutable expression belied the intense emotions swirling beneath the surface. "I had a few things to talk about with you two, but I assure you that they will be addressed tomorrow after you have recuperated," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sympathy. "For now, rest easy, my dear ladies. You have earned it."

As they entered their opulent rooms, their eyes widened in amazement at the luxurious amenities and lavish decor. Despite their initial reluctance, the girls couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude towards their enigmatic benefactor.

Raizel's motives remained a mystery, but one thing was certain - he had gone above and beyond to make them feel welcomed and cared for. Tomorrow, they would seek answers, but for now, they would embrace the peace and comfort that they had been denied for so long.