Bloodsucking impulse

As soon as Elmer saw his mother so disoriented and helpless, he clenched his fists and slowly walked over, ignoring the water spraying from her disheveled hair. He stood in front of his mother silently without examining her beautiful cheeks or perfect figure. When he gazed upon his mother's fair neck, he suddenly felt an urge to bite it, like a desire to suck blood. Elmer clenched his fists even tighter, struggling to suppress this bloodthirsty craving.

Suddenly, Elmer's mother jumped up as if pricked by a needle, and threw herself into Elmer's arms. She closed her eyes tightly, her expression full of pain, and tears mixed with the shower water fell on Elmer's shoulder, making his heart ache even more.

"It's okay, Mom," Elmer also hugged his mother. As he smelled the fragrance emanating from his mother's neck, he really wanted to open his mouth and take a bite.

"Your father died. What are we going to do with our family in the future? Waaah..." Elmer's mother burst into tears, as if the whole bathroom was shaking.

"Dad's gone, but I'll take good care of you, Mom. Don't worry, I can shoulder Dad's responsibilities!" Elmer said, somewhat self-deceptively, and hugged his mother even tighter.

"Waaah...Elmer...Mom really doesn't know what to do...I really don't know how your father could leave us like this..." Elmer's mother continued to cry, rubbing her breasts against Elmer's chest. Elmer, however, was not tempted by his mother's delicate body. He was thinking about how to take care of this family now that his sister had just graduated and could only cover their daily expenses with her salary, and his little sister was still in school.

His mother was only a junior high school teacher, earning just over three thousand yuan a month. This family had been supported by his father's monthly salary of over thirty thousand yuan. Now that he had passed away, Elmer really didn't know what the fate of himself and his family would be.

"Mom, listen to me. Dad wouldn't want us to be like this even in heaven. We must become stronger and not accept the invitation of the grim reaper. We have to live well and let Dad smile down on us from heaven, okay?"

Elmer comforted his mother, his chest heaving a bit. He slowly opened his mouth and his two canine teeth grew longer and more sinister, as if they could tear flesh apart.

"Mom, I'll go out first. You come out after you've cleaned up," Elmer was afraid he would bite his own mother, so he endured his thirst for blood and ran out of the bathroom.

Elmer's mother stood there naked, convulsing, hands covering her face. Her sobbing had drowned out the sound of water. She knelt on the ground again, letting the water flow over her back. Half an hour ago, she received the news of her husband's death.

To prove that it was all a dream, she took off all her clothes and took a shower. But when the cold water poured over her, she began to cry and cry more fiercely. Elmer walked out of the bathroom, ran into his room, closed the door, leaned against it, and almost cried. A living person died like this, and he was his own father. How could Elmer not be sad?

"Damn, why does everything happen in my family?"

Elmer cursed and took off his shirt and pants, wiping his body with a towel hanging on the wall. He then lay on his bed a bit helplessly, wearing only his underwear. Elmer looked at the fancy ceiling, his heart growing cold.

He looked at his arms, the teeth marks were still there, as if they could never be erased. When he was looking at his mother's neck earlier, he even had the urge to bite down, this bloodthirsty impulse made it difficult for him to interact with his own family.

At school, Elmer sometimes had this impulse, especially when he saw his female classmates, counselors, and department heads, his bloodthirsty impulse became more evident. But when interacting with men, Elmer did not have this bloodthirsty impulse. In summary, he had a bloodthirsty impulse towards women.

Generally, men are attracted to women's bodies, but why doesn't Elmer want to embrace women's delicate bodies and do some naughty things? Instead, Elmer wants to bite their skin and suck their blood. "It really feels like a vampire," Elmer murmured, sitting up. His abdominal muscles were very strong, and the contours of each muscle were very clear. His chest and arms were also very strong, making him a very physically fit human.

Elmer wandered around the room, still a little worried about his mother. He put on a pair of beach pants and a blue vest and walked out of his room. He heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, so he walked over and knocked on the bathroom door, asking, "Mom, are you still in there?"

"Wiping myself, I'll be out soon," Elmer's mother's sweet voice floated out of the bathroom, making Elmer feel a little relieved.

Sitting in the living room watching TV, Elmer was thinking about how his father died. His father was a pilot, and maintenance work was usually done by specialized maintenance personnel. But why did his father, as a pilot, go to repair something? And it was in the air at that time. The pilot couldn't possibly check any air vents. He couldn't understand this, and he wanted to find time to ask the airline for an explanation. Anyway, his father died and even the body was gone. He had to ask thoroughly, and his father died on duty, so there should be compensation. Of course, Elmer wasn't after the small amount of compensation, but now that his father had died, the family was in a difficult situation. If he didn't work hard, he didn't know how his mother, sister, and younger sister would survive in the future. As the only man in the family, Elmer should plan for the future.

When Elmer's mother came out of the bathroom, a refreshing fragrance filled the air, causing Elmer to feel dizzy for a while. He wasn't lusting after his mother's charms; he just had an evil thought of rushing up to bite her.

Elmer's mother had red and swollen eyes, indicating that she had been crying for a long time. She sat weakly beside Elmer, her two exposed legs crossed together, staring blankly at the TV screen while it flickered. Her pupils didn't move at all, indicating that her mind was completely elsewhere and not focused on the television.

Elmer was much the same. His thoughts were not on the television but on his mother. The urge to drink blood made his throat feel very thirsty. If this continued, Elmer was afraid he would really bite his mother's throat and suck her blood.