
"Wait a moment," the young woman revealed a set of white teeth, turned around, and disappeared from Elmer's sight.

Elmer glanced at his phone, casually pressed it, and saw that it had already shut down. He was puzzled, thinking that it shouldn't have shut down just from falling on the grass. Elmer pressed the power button and the phone booted up. He then saw an unread message and clicked on it.

"Jessica, I'm sorry, really sorry."

"Jessica?" Elmer furrowed his brow. He felt that this message seemed to contain a lot of meaning. On a whim, he browsed through the previous messages. After a quick glance, Elmer smiled inwardly, thinking to himself, "So it turns out that Wen was dumped by her boyfriend. No wonder that ugly man hasn't come to see her recently."

Hearing footsteps, Elmer turned off his phone again and, like a monkey, jumped to the young woman's door, waiting with a handsome smile for Jessica to open the door.

The door creaked open, and she looked very charming in her white translucent nightgown. Elmer could faintly see the outline of her chest, causing him to unconsciously swallow his saliva. His heart beating faster, he hurriedly lowered his head.

"Thank you. Come in and have a seat. I'll make some longan for you to eat. Eating some longan in this weather will be very refreshing, hehe."

The young woman Jessica let him in and waited for this very handsome Elmer to enter. She casually glanced at his arms and was convinced that Elmer must be a very strong man. She didn't know if he was strong down there too...Jessica's face suddenly turned red. She felt like she had become too open around Elmer.

Elmer was struggling with his thoughts. Even now, just looking at the young woman's snow-white thighs revealed, he had a bloodthirsty impulse, and it seemed to be more than just a bloodthirsty impulse. He wanted to explore the forbidden zone at the end of her jade feet. He really wanted to refuse the young woman's generous invitation, but for some reason, he nodded and, by some strange impulse, took off his shoes and walked in barefoot.

"Follow me."

Jessica led Elmer to the third floor as she spoke.

"The house is so big, do you live here alone?" Elmer asked curiously.

"Yeah, I do. Don't you think it's too big? Your house is so small. I wouldn't mind if you moved in," Jessica laughed like silver bells. Her laughter seemed to have a magical power that almost made Elmer lose himself in her world.

Watching her jade feet occasionally stretch out from the hem of her skirt and then retract into it, Elmer opened his mouth a bit hungrily, and his two fangs grew a little, making him look like a vampire.

"This is a famous painting, 'The Blonde Woman,' by the renowned Italian painter Palma Vecchio," Jessica pointed to an oil painting hanging on the wall at the corner of the spiral staircase and introduced, "The painting style is warm, and I like it a lot. If you look at her eyes, it seems like she's staring at someone. It's quite interesting, haha, although it's a bit risque."

As Elmer walked and looked at the oil painting, the main character of the painting was a blonde woman with a full figure. Her left hand was holding her coat, while her right hand was pinching several flowers of different colors. As for the risque part the woman mentioned, Elmer only noticed it after staring at the painting for a while - the red bean on the right breast was exposed. Perhaps due to the long age, the red bean color had faded almost completely, making it seem like she had no breasts at all.

Seeing Elmer so entranced, the woman laughed and stood in front of her room on the third floor, saying, "With me here, why bother looking at that painting? You're so silly."

After hearing the woman's words, Elmer laughed awkwardly, feeling like she was trying to seduce him. She had mentioned that the painting was risque, why else would she invite him to look at her very private area?

"Come in, don't just stand there like an idiot," the woman pushed open the door and stood on one side like a maid, her left hand flat under her bosom, and her right hand pointing inside to signal Elmer to come in.

Elmer rarely goes into girls' rooms, and the ones he goes into the most are probably his sister's and his cousin's. He is a carefree person and sometimes cannot adapt to the cleanliness and fragility of a girl's room, but Jessica's room gives him a completely different feeling.

Jessica's room is decorated very simply, with a bed, a bookshelf, a computer, a wardrobe, and a dressing table. These seem to be all that the room has, and of course, there are some dolls and other decorations on the floor. The walls are covered with candy house wallpaper, even the top is covered, which looks a bit flowery but very warm.

"I didn't know your room was like this, I thought..."

Elmer didn't know how to express his feelings at this moment, excitement? Curiosity? Or fear? He didn't know, all he knew was that he was staring at the young woman who had already walked over to him holding a fruit platter.

Looking at the alluring face of the young woman, Elmer's throat became a little thirsty. He picked up a longan and gently broke it open, putting it in his mouth, hoping to forget his bloodthirsty impulse with the sweetness of the longan. But it had no effect, the longer he stared at the young woman, the stronger his bloodthirsty impulse became. If he didn't leave soon, he might really bite the young woman's throat!

"I'm sorry!"

Elmer quickly walked to the side, his heart beating faster and faster.

The young woman thought Elmer was going to hug or kiss her, but it was completely different. She looked at Elmer's back and wondered how she could seduce him into sleeping with her. If she was like other women, stripping naked to seduce him, Jessica would find it too disgusting. She didn't really want to sleep with a man, she just wanted revenge.

"Do you know why I asked you to come up here?"

The young woman approached Elmer, embracing his strong body from behind, her hands wandering in front of him, feeling the warmth emanating from him. She felt so lucky to have a man to rely on, but it had been so long since she had last had that.

"Well, do you know why I came up here?" Elmer asked in response, seeming to play a word game with the woman.

The young woman shook her head, seemingly not interested in knowing the answer. Regardless of why Elmer had come up, the fact was that she was now very forward, tightly holding onto Elmer's body and rubbing her ample bosom against his back, hoping he would violate her like a wild animal.