Saving Mother

The surgeon shook his head helplessly and said, "You brought her too late for gastric lavage to be effective. Although Ms. Bi is not in danger of losing her life, she may only have a few days left due to extreme physical exhaustion and her weak stomach. You need to be prepared for the worst."

She patted Elmer's shoulder and then left.

Elmer stood there, his legs almost giving way beneath him. First, his father's accident only earned him a piece of paper, and now his mother was barely hanging on due to swallowing sleeping pills. If he were to lose both his parents in one day, he might not want to live anymore.

At that moment, two nurses wheeled out Elmer's mother on a stretcher.

"Please make way," the nurse carrying the IV bag in front said when she saw Elmer blocking the way.

Elmer silently stepped aside and watched the nurses push the stretcher disappear into a ward. He walked into the ward with a heavy heart. After the nurses finished giving him some details, they left. Elmer sat by his mother's bedside, watching her pale face. His heart broke when he combined it with her past beauty. Clenching his fists, he wished he could blow up that damn airline company!

"Big brother, do you want a lollipop?" a timid ten-year-old girl on another hospital bed asked.

Elmer glanced at her and, meeting her sad gaze that seemed to explore the complicated world, smiled and shook his head. "You can have it. Big brother doesn't want it."

"Mm-hmm," the girl in a hospital gown didn't say anything else. She shrank into her covers and lay on her side, using her pure and innocent eyes to look at Elmer as if he appeared a bit fierce.

Elmer sat by the bed the whole time, and his mother still hadn't woken up.

In the evening, Rita, who had finished work, hurried to the hospital and walked into the ward. She saw Elmer holding his mother's hand, almost stiffened with tension. Seeing this, Rita felt extremely distressed.

Approaching Elmer, Rita looked at her mother with a desolate gaze and whispered, "How is Mom doing?"

Elmer wanted to tell his sister the truth, but he was afraid she couldn't handle it. So he smiled and said, "She had her stomach pumped and is sleeping soundly now. She'll probably be discharged tomorrow. Don't worry, sis. Just go home and take care of little sister."

"I'll go back now and bring you some food later. I'll also bring some for Mom," Rita said in a hushed voice, afraid of waking the other patients in the ward.

Elmer shook his head and said, "I'll grab something to eat later. You don't need to come. Take care of little sister. I might come back tonight, or I might not. I might stay in the hospital to keep Mom company. Just rest well. You have work tomorrow."

"I feel like you've grown more mature," Rita said, smiling. She had no idea that Elmer was deceiving her, and she really thought that Mom was safe and sound, just asleep.

"Dad's accident made me the only male in the family. Of course I had to grow up a little," Elmer replied.

"Did you skip class this afternoon? Won't the teacher look for you?" Rita asked.

"I asked a classmate to cover for me. It should be fine. Don't worry, sis. You can go home now and take care of little sister," Elmer urged her again.

"Okay, then I'll go back," Rita said, looking at Mom before turning to leave.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Elmer went out to grab some food. Afraid that Mom might wake up, he rushed back to the ward after finishing his meal. Unfortunately, the bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment. His mother was still in a coma, sustained only by intravenous drips.

Elmer then went to find the surgeon to learn about his mother's condition. He found out that it was not just a simple case of stomach pumping. In the emergency room, the surgeon had also examined her stomach and discovered a malignant tumor growing between the pylorus and duodenum, which had almost completely blocked her duodenum. If her condition continued to deteriorate, Elmer's mother would not be able to eat, which would mean that she could only survive on intravenous fluids until her organs failed and she died.

Upon hearing this shocking news, combined with his mother's lack of appetite during this period, Elmer realized that she had not been eating much. He thought it was just a common aversion to food and believed that everything would be fine after a few days, but he did not expect that it was because she had a malignant tumor in her stomach!

The surgeon also told him that in order to completely cure this disease, surgery was necessary and afterwards, there would be a long period of drug injections, which would cost around one hundred thousand yuan or even more.

One hundred thousand yuan!

Elmer couldn't even bear to think about this number and felt like he was being crushed alive by it. Although his father used to be a pilot, he lost most of their savings due to investing in the stock market last year. Even if they were trying their best, Elmer knew that it was unlikely for their family to have one hundred thousand yuan.

In order to treat his mother, Elmer must raise one hundred thousand yuan, but where can he raise it?

Rob a bank? No, if he did that, he would surely become a target for gunshots.

Unless he meets a super-rich woman, Elmer would never give away his virginity to those wealthy women who are so fat that they could drip oil. He values his dignity too much to allow anyone to strip it away or sell it off. Instead, he only allows himself to take away the dignity of others. Bank robbery was not an option for Elmer, so he was at a loss for what to do next.

"Wait a minute!" Elmer suddenly stopped in the hospital corridor and muttered to himself, "My dad died while on duty at the airline company, so there should be compensation. A hundred thousand yuan is a reasonable amount. As long as I get this money, my mom will be saved!"

Elmer's eyes began to glimmer with the light of money. In order to save his mother, he decided to go to the airline company and demand compensation as soon as it was light outside. He would not give up until he was properly compensated.

Seeing Elmer's excited expression, Lillian, a vampire who had been lurking in the darkness like a ghost, came out.

Elmer sniffed and caught the long-awaited scent, turning his head at the exact moment Lillian emerged from the darkness. He knew immediately that she was a vampire. When he saw that it was Lillian, who had once prevented him from drinking the blood of the neighbor's wife, Elmer shrugged and asked, "Why have you been following me? No wonder I've been feeling thirsty all the time, it's because I've been smelling your scent."

Lillian was still wearing her black leather bodysuit, her breasts were very perky, and the shape of her delta could be clearly seen. She smiled shyly and said, "Elmer, why don't you think outside the box? Why waste so much time and money to save your mother?"