Teacher-student relationship

"Miss, what would you like to order?"

As soon as Lillian entered the restaurant, the waiter greeted her warmly.

Turning her head to look at the big sun outside, Lillian muttered, "Next time I'll buy an umbrella. If I keep getting sunburned like this, I'll spontaneously combust. Luckily there are many trees here. It's such a blessing that headquarters can be located in this city."

Seeing the beautiful young woman, Lillian, dressed in tight black leather, the waiter asked again, "I'm looking for someone tall and handsome, who was with an average-looking woman wearing a skirt. " Lillian made a gesture with her pen.

The waiter noticed the dagger exposed at her waist and was startled. She quickly shook her head and said, "I didn't see them."

"Well, then I'll find them myself," Lillian said, estimating that there were at least thirty private rooms in this restaurant that could accommodate three or four hundred people. Finding Elmer shouldn't be a problem.

"Miss, what business do you have with Miss Julia?"

The owner, who had been calculating, asked with a gentle smile when she saw the wildness in Lillian's eyes.

Lillian looked at the boss lady with her sleeves rolled up and her finely-dotted eyebrows, and said, "I don't know that woman, but I know Elmer. I need to find him and ask him if he's going to take responsibility for me!"

Hearing this, the boss lady knew it was a romantic entanglement and said, "Please wait outside, I'll be right there."

At that moment, Elmer was staring at the stunning Julia, his hand holding the wine glass trembling. He shook his head hard and looked at those tempting lips. Elmer was almost lost and just wanted to taste Julia's lips.

"You wouldn't know,"

Julia shook her head helplessly, stood up, walked to Elmer, bent down, and hooked her hands around his neck. Her eyes were hazy, and she pouted like a mischievous child, saying, "I met your dad in college and we were supposed to be together. Your mother's appearance caused him to abandon me, but I don't hate him, never have, because I still love him. After graduating from college, we never contacted each other again. I went to work for my father's airline, and he worked there after retiring. Surprisingly, we had more opportunities to be close, but--"

Julia trembled all over, looking at Elmer's young face, seemingly recalling her college days. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she sobbed, "But why, after all these years, he won't even touch me? I should know that I've been a widow for over 20 years for him, and I just wanted to give him my first time, but he won't even touch me!"

Hearing Julia's words, Elmer was stunned, looking at Julia's gradually dampened and rosy face. He became puzzled and quickly asked, "It shouldn't be possible. My dad is forty-five years old, and you should only be thirty-five. How could you have been in college with my dad?"

Julia took a deep breath and sobbed, "Your dad was a teacher back then, and later became a pilot."

"Teacher-student romance--"

Elmer wanted to continue asking about the relationship between Julia and his dad, but the drunken Julia leaned heavily on him. Under the impact of Julia's delicate body, Elmer fell backward, his body leaning against the sofa, and Julia tightly embraced him.

Julia was on her knees on the sofa, looking taller than Elmer. The height of her chest happened to be at the same level as Elmer's head, so when she hugged his head tightly, she naturally pressed Elmer's cheek between her breasts.

Aside from the scent of alcohol, Elmer also asked about the unique fragrance emanating from Julia's chest, in addition to her perfume. Under the influence of alcohol, perfume, musk, hormones, and the deadly urge for blood, Elmer embraced Julia's slender waist, his heart pounding, his throat itching, his mouth open, and his fangs grown considerably.

"Your father is dead, but you're still here. If you want my body, Auntie will give it to you," Julia, who was drunk, was feeling a bit confused and infatuated.

At this point, Elmer couldn't be bothered to answer Julia anymore. He lifted his head, staring at her chin, his gaze fixed on her delicate white neck.

"Gurgle~ Julia, if I wanted your blood, would you give it to me?"

Elmer's eyes gradually turned blood red.

"I'll give you anything," Julia whispered softly.

Just then, the door was suddenly knocked.

Startled, Elmer abandoned his plan to suck Julia's blood and murmured, "Julia, I'll go answer the door first."

After saying that, Elmer leaned against his strong arm and put Julia down on the sofa. Seeing her painful expression, Elmer shook his head helplessly and muttered to himself, "Drinking alcohol and your tongue loosens up. You've been a virgin for 35 years, and it's really tough on you."

Opening the door, the landlady peeked inside and saw Julia lying on the sofa. She looked at Elmer and said, "Someone is looking for you, and she's very rude. You'd better go out and see her."

"Okay," Elmer nodded and walked out.

At the cash register, the landlady, dressed in a fiery red dress, hurriedly asked the waiter, "Where's that young lady just now?"

"I don't know. I just went to clean up, "the waiter shook his head in a hurry.

"Sorry, maybe she left. I'll call you when she comes back," the landlady apologized with a smile.

Julia was a big customer, and the person who could accompany her to drink that bottle of hundred-year-old wine was definitely not an ordinary person. Therefore, the landlady became very polite.

"Okay," Elmer said.

Elmer walked back somewhat inexplicably, pushed open the door to the private room, and saw Lillian clinging to the wall like a lizard, upside down, staring at Elmer. Elmer was scared almost to the point of screaming. Afraid that people outside would hear him, he quickly closed the door and whispered, "Hey! Come down quickly. You can't scare me, but you might scare Julia to death!"

"Vampires have the habit of bats. I haven't hung upside down for too long. This wall is pretty white, so I just tried it," Lillian said, her suction-cup-like hands and feet loosening, falling to the ground as light as a butterfly.

"I was having lunch. What are you doing here?" Lillian shrugged and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just wanted to see you suck her blood."

"I never thought of sucking her blood!"

Elmer exclaimed in anger, but he was also afraid of waking Julia up, so he said, "You go first. Let's talk when I get home. Can you not stick to me like gum all the time?"

"Oh~" Lillian tossed her hair over her eyes and laughed, "I just saw you touching her chest. Vampire Lord, don't say I didn't warn you. If you bite her throat and turn her into a vampire, both you and her will become imprisoned for life. The previous Vampire Lords were all imprisoned until they died. I don't know what the Queen was thinking when she made you a different one. Oh well, my mission is to protect you and take you to headquarters when you awaken. That's it. OK, if you love to bite, then bite."

Lillian suddenly became very serious, her eyes filled with coldness. "When I feel your evil aura rising, I will take you back to headquarters, and she, who has been turned into a vampire by you, will be eliminated directly!"

"Don't threaten me with death, just leave!" Elmer was annoyed and wanted to throw Lillian out.

"Not bothering you anymore, I wish you become Vampire lord soon," Lillian stuck out her tongue and quickly left the room. Just as she was about to leave, she turned back and said, "The biggest enemy of vampires is werewolves, who also live among humans. I suggest you drink human blood as soon as possible. Your vampire scent is already spreading. Oh, by the way, stay away from that group of stewardesses. There's a succubus among them."

Elmer didn't hear anything Lillian said. What he cared about now was Julia, who seemed to be drunk and sleeping in front of him. She was lying on her side, with her legs overlapping each other, and as he looked deeper along the outside of her thighs, Elmer's blood boiled. He remembered the erotic scene under her office desk and wished he could turn into a giant gray wolf and pounce on her directly!