The first of bloodsucking (2)

Running to the foot of Eagle Nest Mountain and looking up, Lillian exclaimed, "Wouldn't it be better to have the entrance at the foot of the mountain? Why does it have to be located at the mountaintop!"

Lillian really wanted to leave Elmer's mother behind and take Elmer to the headquarters first, but she absolutely couldn't do that. If Margaret was taken away by a werewolf or a fox spirit, Elmer's evolution would suffer an unprecedented disaster!

Just as Lillian looked innocent, a fragrance came from behind, and Lillian turned around to see Elizabeth, who was smiling and walking towards her with nothing on. Seeing one of the six major executives, Elizabeth, Lillian quickly lowered her head and said, "Elmer has drunk blood, I will take him back to headquarters!"

"Well, you did a good job. Let me take them in," Elizabeth said as she walked towards them with her chest held high, causing one to imagine endlessly. Actually, she didn't like being naked, but when using space travel, she had to be unclothed. She didn't have this requirement for the person she was holding.

"Thank you." Lillian replied. Elizabeth took Elmer from Lillian and looked at the blood on his mouth. She smiled slightly, and her two small dimples were very cute.

Elizabeth leaned down and licked the blood at the corner of Elmer's mouth, whispering, "I haven't tasted the taste of human blood for a long time, and I miss it."

The look in her eyes was like being enchanted, which made Lillian tremble with fear. Vampires are also divided into levels, mainly including Embracees, Babies, Servants, Executors, Longevity, and Ancients.

Elmer is about to receive Embrace and become an Embracee. After undergoing a transformation that lasts for 24 hours, he will obtain the title of Baby, which refers to the youngest vampire. After fifty years of training, he will be able to obtain the title of Servant. However, there is something special about Elmer at the moment - he is a hidden Vampire lord, so he can skip the Baby, Servant, Executor, and Longevity stages and directly upgrade to an Ancient descendant!

In addition to the six broad classifications mentioned above, there are several very special vampire classifications, such as the defectors, recluses, and day-walkers.

Lillian was a vampire who had only lived for twenty years and belonged to the infant level. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was two levels above her and was one of the few top-tier Executives. If she were to become obsessed with blood again, she would probably become a defector.

Elizabeth took a deep breath, seemingly smelling the scent of blood in the air. She licked her red lips, and a golden light burst from her body. Elmer was then embraced by her and pressed his face between her breasts.

"You fascinate me," she murmured, and Elizabeth and Elmer disappeared in the golden light.

When Lillian regained her senses, Elizabeth and Elmer were gone. After waiting for five minutes, Elizabeth reappeared in front of Lillian, took Margaret from her hand, and used spatial travel to enter headquarters again. Lillian then hurried to the top of the peak and entered the headquarters through the entrance.

After taking the elevator to the bottom, Lillian did not see Elmer or his mother. When she saw Emily walking up the corridor, she asked, "Lady Executive, where is Elmer?"

For some reason, she was concerned about Elmer now.

"He's about to receive the Embrace," Emily said and quickened her pace.

"But the Embrace..." Lillian wanted to ask but realized her status and didn't dare to speak further.

Normally, a vampire's Embrace takes place in the hall for ease of capture in case of accidents. Elmer's special status probably meant that he couldn't undergo the Embrace in the hall.

Lillian walked towards her room, intending to rest well. These days were just too exhausting, especially for her skin. Lillian felt that her skin had worsened a lot after being burnt by the sun.

At this moment, Elmer and his mother were trapped in a huge container filled with a pale yellow liquid, a series of bubbles emerging from their mouths. Both were completely naked!

Six executioners observed Elmer in the container, each with a look of unusual fear, it seemed that they held a great deal of dread for this Embrace.

"We have never done anything like this before, Emily, what will happen when the Vampire Lord awakens?" Tabitha, in charge of the European vampires, asked with fear reflected in her pupils.

Emily, who was closest to Elmer, shook her head and said, "I can't guess the queen's intentions. She is an ancient being, and we can only obey her. Everyone be careful, if the container breaks, try to avoid it, and if necessary, ask the queen to take action!"

"Emily, after he awakens, what should we do with him, imprison him?" Elizabeth asked. Compared to the other executioners, Elizabeth's complexion was the most normal, and she may have been reminiscing about the blood of Elmer's mother, Margaret.

"The queen's intention is to use him to eliminate wild vampires. I don't know the specifics, but the queen will make the final decision," Emily said somewhat helplessly.

"He's awake!" Henrietta, in charge of the Oceanic vampires, exclaimed.

The six beautiful mature women stared at Elmer's gradually opening eyes.

As Elmer's consciousness gradually recovered, when his vision completely took in the situation around him, he saw the executioners surrounding him, floating in the liquid, and his eyes were fixated on their towering cleavage, his heart pounding with excitement.

When Elmer saw his mother floating in the container, completely naked, and with a soft penis that suddenly became hard, he exclaimed, "Wow, I was just a little bug, and now I've turned into a tyrannosaurus rex!"

Upon seeing Elmer's erection, Fiona exclaimed, her mouth forming an "O" shape.