The Pain of the Embrace (1)

"What does the Queen say?" Tabitha asked quickly.

"Let's watch him grow," Emily said with a hint of helplessness in her heart.

"What if we can't keep Elmer trapped even with the six of us working together?" Tabitha retorted.

"I can't change the Queen's decision. She hasn't made a wrong decision in all these years. I believe she will help us get rid of this nightmare," Emily said as she took a few steps back, motioning for the other five to step outside the gate. She then silently watched as the already crumbling container finally shattered into a million pieces, and the blood-red liquid spread like a flood, covering the entire room in red.

At that moment, Elmer was holding Margaret in his arms, his blood-red eyes fixed on her beautiful face. Slowly, his gaze shifted to her breasts, and then he saw a clump of wet pubic hair lazily lying against her snow-white skin. "Mom," Elmer called out, wanting to see Margaret open her eyes. He had already tasted Margaret's blood, and according to his knowledge, Margaret should have become a vampire by now. So why couldn't she even open her eyes? Elmer's hand fell onto Margaret's left breast, and he gently pressed down, hoping to feel her heartbeat, but there was none. No heartbeat at all. Which meant...

Elmer suddenly turned his head and roared, "You said once I became a vampire, Margaret would recover. But my mother is already dead!" Seeing his angry expression, Elizabeth's delicate body trembled slightly, her heart aching as if she wanted to cry.

"You are still in the awakening period and haven't completed the Embrace yet. Once the Embrace is completed, you will be reborn, and Margaret, who depends on your life, will also come back to life," Emily said, looking at the large, bulging lump on Elmer's back that would contract and expand. For the executor that she was, this was perhaps the first time she had felt afraid.

"What bullshit theory! Get the hell out of here!"

Elmer shouted.

When Elmer first came to headquarters, he saw the six mature female executives and felt a great admiration for them, thinking that they were sacred and inviolable women. But now he doesn't care about them at all. In his mind, Margaret's life is more important than theirs!

"Let's let him calm down first. There's nothing we can do now," Emily said, waving her hand, and the door closed automatically.

Fiona, who had been staring at Elmer's massive bulge in his crotch, was feeling a bit frustrated. She could ignore the other executives, ignore Elmer's Margaret, and even ignore Elmer himself, but she just wanted to keep staring at that penis. It was so thick and she thought that having sex with a man like him would be very exciting, maybe even result in multiple orgasms.

With a "thud," those executives who annoyed Elmer disappeared before his eyes.

"Mama," Elmer called out again, his eyes constantly moving as he watched Margaret's face, full breasts, flat stomach, and pink pubic mound. Elmer even wondered if his mother had never given birth before.

Just as he was about to explore Margaret's intimate areas, the tumor on Elmer's back swelled up again. The skin had become very thin, and Elmer felt like his body's blood was being forcibly transported to his spine. The feeling of being deprived made Elmer give up the urge to defile Margaret's body. He stood up, roared, and clenched his fists, screaming as his face twisted.

Hearing Elmer's roar, Elizabeth was curious about his condition, but seeing Emily's serious expression, she could only hide that thought in her heart.

"Emily, I'll go back to my room first. There are still twenty hours until the Embrace ends. If you need me, just let me know," Elizabeth said, then turned and walked away.

Emily noticed Elizabeth's strange expression and said, "Take a rest, but don't run around and don't use space-time travel recklessly."

"I know," Elizabeth's heart was beating wildly. It seemed that Emily had guessed her plan.

"I'm going back to my room," Tabitha yawned.

"You all rest first, and I'll keep watch. If there's anything, I'll call you," Emily instructed.

"Emily, I'll stay with you," Fiona giggled, seeming to look forward to seeing Elmer after Embrace.

"Okay," Emily agreed.

After Tabitha, Henrietta, and Sirena left, Emily and Fiona were left. Emily wanted to guide Fiona and make her give up such a dangerous idea, but she felt that it was pointless to explain to someone with such a strong sexual desire. So she remained silent, and the two of them stood in front of the door, waiting for Elmer after Embrace.

First, he was a human, and then he evolved directly into an ancient descendant. Emily didn't know what kind of consequences this cross-evolution would bring.

"Ah--ah--ah!" Elmer roared hysterically, and the airflow in the room was slamming against the walls as he yelled. The walls seemed about to collapse.

Suddenly, the two large tumors on his back burst open, and two streams of black blood spurted onto the wall behind him, turning the white wall into black. Then, a pair of black wings slowly unfolded, two meters long and half a meter wide. The black wings were not fluffy but sticky.

Elmer stared at the ground and saw a pair of black wings that seemed to have grown out of his own body. With his thoughts, the wings began to flap, and blood dripped down like rain.