
With a gentle touch from her sister's delicate hand, Sophia shivered and held her tighter. Unable to bear the loneliness, Sophia had to explain, "Robin, it's not pee. It's just that sister is getting wet down there. You can touch it for me."

"Like this?" Robin imitated Elmer's movements on her, lightly gliding her middle finger along Sophia's moist slit.

"Um... Robin... yes, just like that... You can touch inside... there's a hole... you can put your finger in..." Overwhelmed by desire, Sophia threw caution to the wind, only wanting more.

"I know how to do it," having experienced Elmer's teachings earlier in the day, Robin knew what to do. Her little hand slipped into Sophia's panties, found its way through a tangle of hair, and her middle finger precisely pressed into Sophia's warm folds, drawing a gasp from Sophia.