
"K-Know... I know," Carly whispered.

"Well, that's better. Pets should act like pets. Alright, I'll be going for now, and your owner will visit you when they have time," Elmer smiled and then left the basement.

After Elmer left, Carly's anxiety didn't diminish much. She still felt the sensation of Elmer's semen continuously hitting her uterus.

As Elmer walked into Fennimore's room, he was taken aback.

She was wearing a black silk dress that just covered her knees. It was cinched at the waist with a small black leather belt. The neckline was low and narrow, with a white jade pendant symbolically hanging around her neck. Her usually untamed long hair was now slightly wavy and lazily draped over her shoulders.

"You can unbutton this, too," Fennimore took the initiative to unfasten one of the buttons on Yan Luoxia's chest, revealing a lacy black bra.

"No, someone might see," Yan Luoxia exclaimed, hastily buttoning up the undone button.