
"Mr. Noah, would you like to know more about the world before the Apocalypse or after it"?

"mm.., After the Apocalypse I think"?

"As you wish sir.

"The planet Ariaxomia goes on its usual flow when the sudden eclipse hit the civilization on 1989 May 1 rather than the moon blocking the lights it was the rise of the Black sun that devoured order itself.

"The era was later described as the lost sun known as the day when the sun lost its light or the day god closed his eyes.

"The disaster took the world of its population that was its peak at the time of 13 billion humans into millions.

"The black sun mutated animals and plants and put the human who prided themselves at the top of the food chain into the bottom of it.

"The black sun also mutated humans and turned them into mindless beings who destroy every living thing they came across and infected humans into them like zombies.

" On the eve of the eleventh day, two more celestial bodies rose in space that took humans by surprise by shining blue and red the Blue Moon and the Blood Moon.

"The next day the original sun regained its light shining all over the world.

"The original sun and Blue Moon suppressed the black sun and red moon thus forming the once-forgotten day.

"At the time of the night, the blood moon and black sun suppress the Blue Moon and the Sun thus forming the night.

"Thus the eventual creation of new night and day is born.

"But it's already late as the world became lawless where the law doesn't have meaning.

"The black sun already destroyed nature

and contaminated the ocean bringing a shortage of food and water which led to the rise of cannibalism and where the parents kill their kids for water or food.

"Even in the dark time when it seemed all hope is lost the world still took humans by surprise.

"The mutation which led to negative results in humans began to become positive and the awakening of the system that showed humans their status led to the first discovery of awakened and Mana.

"The awakened who doesn't like the status quo at that time gathered likewise-minded people and began to resist and take back cities began colonies by gathering the remaining population.

"As time passes the resistance that becomes more fierce and the gathering of more colonies and the discovery of more abundant natural resources and the slow recovery of population, order and slowly changing the status from prey to predators gave humans small breathing space until that day the disaster stuck once again.

[10 Years after the Lost Sun]

"As the Desperate situation began to alleviate a little bit it took a series of dark turns after 2 Sun and Moon dyed the planet in their colors.

"As the celestial bodies cast their shadow on the planet the mana on the world began to concentrate and raise heavily.

"As the mana strengthed the animals and forests which led the world to become more dangerous as it increased the mass of the planet itself which led to it becoming bigger and wider.

"But not last but not least portals began to appear all over the world swallowing humans in them and throwing them into dark and dangerous realms.

The Awakened human who was swallowed by the portal began to explore the world they found themselves which led to the finding of dangerous monsters and valuable treasures.

"The humans who cleared the dungeon began to come out in swarms and let the information about the other side of the portal known to the world about the dungeons and how valuable they are to the humans.

"This is the situation that led to the craze over the dungeons as humans thought dungeons are a gift to humans by God for their suffering.

( To be continued)