Laylah's aura...

Hikaru felt like he was like a puppet that was being controlled by Laylah, no, he felt that he was more like a clown.

He felt like he was a failed villain.

"Hahahaha… Hikaru, you are so cute…" Laylah said while smiling.

Hikaru had no patience anymore, no, to be more precise he didn't want to be in contact with this girl any longer.

He turned to leave but Laylah reached out her right hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Hikaru was about to shove her hand away when he immediately felt an electric current from where Laylah was touching spread throughout his body.

The pain caused him to fall to the ground, and his entire body was paralyzed, as he was unable to move.

What the hell is going on?

Why is Laylah's slender hand so powerful?

It must be known that now his strength was 4-5 times higher than normal people, and Laylah is just an ordinary girl.