Hikaru's power...

Hikaru returned to his room, and opened the personal information panel to review it once more.

Name: Hikaru

Villain points: 40,200

Unused points: 20,000

Power: F- (Perfect Humanity)

Talent: Armor Penetration (F-)

Skills: Surveillance (A), Auto pickup (F), Gun proficiency (F-), Melee proficiency (F-), Villain's Insight

Destiny Item: Panara Box

Unused Item: Weapon Evolution Card (F-), Survival Gift Pack.

Hikaru's Villain points instantly jumped from 20,200to 40,200 thanks to the 20,000 points he accidentally stole from Rayze.

Besides, the world's will gave him a survival gift pack. This showed that the World Will was still concerned about him, as it did not leave him to survive on his own.

"Open the survival package!"

[Ding! unpacking the survival gift package.]

[Ding! You have received the following rewards.]