Aiko's past...

Hikaru glanced at Aiko when he heard that, he smiled and said: "The secret of this car... I think the one who knows it best is him, right?"

He said as he pointed at Rakan: "If I kill him then I can get that car, or to be more precise, the technology driving the car."

"I don't need to listen to you or deal with you. Rakan must die, that's inevitable."

Aiko shed tears, but her face remained calm: "The technology of this car is tied to his life. If you kill him, the car will self-destruct."

Hikaru frowned upon hearing that, while glancing at Rakan. Hikaru believed what Aiko had just said, Rakan was a careful person after all, and he will definitely have a plan that even if he dies, other people won't be able to get the cube.

"But you also said the car is linked with Rakan, so how can you help me get that technology?"

Aiko shook her head: "No, I have a way to help you get the cube that is manipulating and modifying the car."