Bonus Chapter - You want me to get out of here?

***This is Bonus Chapter for Capcrown's Gift - Inspiration capsule. Thank you so much for your gift ^^ 

- Thank you EvilGumShoes's gift too - cola. Thank you so much for your support ^^ 

Aiko gritted her teeth, but luckily Laylah and Hikaru's laughter drowned out the sound of it.

She rested her hands on her thighs and clutched the dress as if she wanted to rip it off.

Of course, no one noticed Aiko. Velys, who was busy preparing breakfast for Laylah and everyone, only glanced at Aiko for a moment and then looked at Hikaru.

While Hikaru was preparing to eat breakfast.

On the table was a plate of omelets accompanied by freshly baked bread. Each person also had an extra bottle of mineral water.

It could be said that their breakfast was extremely luxurious during the apocalypse. Although the apocalypse had just begun, people were already suffering from severe food shortages.